Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Involuntary Plantslaughter

This February I attempted to grow sweet potato slips from some sweet potatoes we gleaned last Summer. Five potatoes were cut in half and donated to the cause of regeneration.

I dutifully kept them in 1" of water until roots sprouted and watched with excitement when, after three months in said water, one of them grew leaves!!

I beamed with pride at my little sweet potato -- no one believed it would ever sprout, and it was beautiful. Sure, the other 9 never made it, but the one that did was thriving.

My husband planted it last week.

Trying to be helpful, I weeded this week.

"Why is there that one huge weed in this otherwise clean bed?"



  1. Just found your blog. You make me laugh so hard! Thank you for great reading.

  2. Are you
    *currently* being sent into Hell forever ... automatically
    excommunicated (outside) of God’s Catholic Church ?

    Yes you are ... you can reverse it ... please continue.

    of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- infallible Source of Dogma
    "Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is
    necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps
    this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish

    You must
    believe the Catholic Dogma to be in the Church ... Dogma you have
    *never* seen.

    Site > ... infallible Dogma throughout.

    Catholic Faith *is not* Bible interpretation ... it is the Catholic
    infallible Sources of Dogma. The Catholic Church didn’t even define
    the Bible’s New Testament Canon until 397 A.D. at the Council of

    - - - -

    Can a
    group which enforces the opposite, the opposite, and the opposite of
    the Catholic unchangeable Dogma be the Catholic Church?

    No, it
    cannot possibly be the Catholic Church ... and promotion of the
    opposite of the Catholic Dogma is exactly what the vatican-2 heretic
    cult does ... and has been doing since it’s founding on 8 December
    1965 at the Vatican.

    vatican-2 heresy does not have the Office of the Papacy ... only the
    Catholic Church has the Papacy.

    The Dogma
    cannot “change” or be “reversed” ... God does not “change”.

    founding documents of the vatican-2 heretic cult … the “vatican-2
    council” documents … have well over 200 heresies *against* prior
    defined unchangeable Dogma. Every (apparent) bishop at the “council”
    approved the mountain of heresy, which caused their automatic
    excommunication, see Section 13.2 of the below site.

    - - - -

    12 > Anti-Christ vatican-2 heresies (50 listed) ... followed by
    many Catholic corrections.

    13 and 13.1 > Photographic *proof* of heresy at the Vatican.

    of … the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or
    for physical participation in a heretic cult (such as the v-2 cult) …

    … we
    were all placed, body and soul, *outside* of Christianity (the
    Catholic Church) on 8 December 1965 … the close date of the

    13.2 > Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy or
    participating in a heretic cult such as ... vatican-2, lutheran,
    methodist, evangelical, etc.

    107 > St. Athanasius (died 373 A.D.) ... “Even if the Church
    were reduced to a handful ...” - - during the “arian” heresy
    ... we are there again, but worse.

    13.3 > Matt 16:18, Gates of Hell scripture ... is *not* about the
    Office of the Papacy ... four Dogmatic Councils defined it ... that
    heresy will not cause the Dogma to disappear.

    13.4 > The vatican-2 heretic cult does not have the Office of the
    Papacy only the Catholic Church has the Papacy.

    13.6 > The Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Automatic
    Excommunication for heresy define that ... God has allowed Catholic
    Jurisdiction ... for Mass and Confession to disappear from the world.
    There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic

    heresies such as “vatican-2”, “sspx”, “sspv”, “cmri”,
    etc. ... do not have Catholic Mass.

    19.1 > Dogma on Abjuration for *re-entering* Christianity (the
    Catholic Church) … after being automatically excommunicated. A
    Formal Abjuration is provided here also.

    10.2 > Returning to a state of grace, in places and times when
    Confession is not available, like now.

    - - - -

    Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- infallible Source of
    Dogma >
    "The heretic, even though he has not been
    condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on
    himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy."

    John Eudes, died 1680 >

    greatest evil existing today is heresy, an infernal rage which hurls
    countless souls into eternal damnation.”

    you must know, believe, and do to get to Heaven is on > >


    Our Lady
    of Conquest

    Pray for

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