Friday, May 3, 2013

Miracle of the Pepper Plants

This is my 12 week old pepper.

12 weeks.

As in, 3 months. 

It's supposed to be HUGE.

But due to over babying, over watering, an aphid plague of Biblical proportions, not repotting them from the seed starter soon enough, and my general black thumbhood, they're stunted, sad, and I want to cry every time I look at them.

I refuse to abandon this little project, however, and I faithfully set them out in the sun every day to harden off. Yesterday I deemed them worthy to remain out all night for their first sleepover.

Parting with them was bittersweet. They weren't tucked in under their grow light in the kitchen. I couldn't check on them to pick off the aphids. I slept a little uneasily, wondering how they were faring on the cold dark front step.

This morning when I looked out the window to see if they'd survived their first night in the elements...

"MY BABIES ARE ALL GROWN UP!!! How on EARTH did they spring up like that OVER NIGHT?? Did they just need fresh air?! Did my little boost of fish emulsion cause this Edenic transformation?! It's a miracle!!"

"Actually, darling, Aunt Elena gave us her extra pepper starts yesterday and I set them out next to yours."

And there was much laughing. Maybe we'll get some peppers out the garden this year after all!


  1. I had the same problem with the aphids last year. When the pepper plants eventually died, I bought some plastic ones, with fruits on them. They are still doing OK.

    God bless.

  2. LOL, that made me laugh :). I'm about ready to throw in the towel on gardening and buy some plastic veggie plants, hehe.

  3. "Actually, darling, Aunt Elena gave us her extra pepper starts yesterday and I set them out next to yours."

    Ah, priceless! :)

  4. I love this story! You made me laugh out loud at the end. You are a great writer.

  5. Thanks so much, Kelly! :) I truly appreciate your kind words.

  6. BAHAHAHA!!!! Love it!!!!

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