Friday, February 1, 2013

This Week on Pinterest

There are several projects I want to work on this weekend, and all of them were spied this week on Pinterest:

{Pin} DIY Seed starting shelves with shop lights. I'm DETERMINED to grow viable seedlings this year!

{Pin} Meyer lemon pudding. I have a bag of Meyers I've been hoarding while I decide on the perfect recipe. I think this might be it.

{Pin} Glazed crispy skinned roasted duck. We got a duck for Christmas! I think this sounds lovely for this Sunday's dinner.

{Pin} A ceramic "watermelon bowl." I think I could recreate something similar... maybe... or not.

Follow me on Pinterest if you'd like! What wonderful discoveries have you made on Pinterest this week?


  1. We have a whole stack of old shower doors that a packratting friend gave us when he moved (when you have a barn, everyone thinks you need stuff to put in there). I found a project of a greenhouse/cold frame made from shower doors. We (as in my teenaged son and I since my husband doesn't know which end of a hammer is up) are going to tackle it this month.

  2. What a fun fun fun project!! I really wish I could see the final result.
    I really want to make a greenhouse (at our dream house site) of windows, but I read somewhere about how the glazing on newer windows blocks the type of light that seedlings need. It would be just my gardening luck to finally have a green house and then not be able to grow anything in it! :) I'm sure shower doors don't have UV blocks on them, though!
