Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Last Minute Decision

I've never given up candy or chocolate for Lent, 'cause I've never eaten enough of it to bother giving it up. I just never think to buy candy.

Last year, however, I discovered Guittard's milk chocolate chips. A handful of chocolate chips now and then isn't like chowing down on a bar, right? Um, right?

I've noticed, lately, that they're always on my grocery list, "in case I need to make cookies or something."

My chocolate consumption is up roughly 2381%.

Among other things, I know what I'll be giving up this year.

What are you giving up/doing for Lent this year?


  1. I am giving up postponing a response to a distant childhood friend's unusual and complex request for help.

    By the way, I saw the postings of your dream house. I like your ideas very,very much. I hope your dreams come true in the not so distant future.

    the heretic

  2. I am terrible about giving things up since during 2 out of the last 3 Lenten seasons I was just bringing home a new baby. Usually I would say "I have it so rough I don't have to give anything up!" But then I never actually offered up any sufferings or actively participated in Lent at all!! Lame. So this year, I'm definitely giving up chocolate. I'm in a panic just thinking about it... But then we are also going to continue to say the rosary at night when my husband is home and not working. And I am hoping to avoid Facebook during certain times of the day. I'm not sure if I can commit since I just started a foodclub and everyone is asking me questions 24/7, but maybe that is even more of a good reason to avoid the computer for certain times each day!! I'm a slave to this foodclub so far and would really like to clean my kitchen sometime this month...

  3. Oh, chocolate chips with a handful of dried cranberries... mmm, so good.

  4. Kelly!!!! Are you testing my resolve this early on?? Stop it, woman! :)

  5. I think 2 of the last 3 Lenten seasons you were utterly excused from additional penance, Lisa :-D.
    Pain of all pain, I'm trying to keep my kitchen clean for Lent. It's hard but what joy it is to wake up to a shining sink! (thank you FlyLady)

    In previous years I thought, "Giving up Facebook for Lent? That's like giving up friends for Lent, why would you ever do that?" But really... the interactions I have on Facebook are so superficial that I think it's good to truly reconnect with people by giving 'em a call or e-mail. This Lent is HARD and we're only 3 days in!

  6. If this is about that highlighted Bible again... :).

    I'm so very glad you approve of the dream house ideas! You have a great eye for beauty, so your approval there means quite a bit to me. I don't know the timeline, absolutely, but we keep getting little hopes that within 2013 (or early 2014) we may be living in our very own house.When it happens, you'll be required to visit.

  7. I am pleased to hear the news. They say spring is a good time for house planting.

    Good Luck to you! I know you are facing some hard work.

  8. I gave up chocolate. For much the same reason. I've been known to sneak whole bags of chocolate chips...in a scarily short amount of time!

  9. Fat Tuesday was my all-time low. Usually I stop myself at two handfuls. Fat Tuesday? Well... it lived up to its name :(.
