Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm a Hypocrite -- But You Knew That

Last week I declared that I was done with heirloom tomatoes. No more for me. Better Boy, Early Girl, and any and all improved hybrids were the only varieties for my garden this year.

So I'm having a hard time justifying my recent purchases...

1 - [ToBWR] Tomato - Brandywine (Red)

1 - [ToBf] Tomato - Beefsteak

1 - [TM920/L] Cosmonaut Volkov Tomato

1 - [TM908/S] Costoluto Genovese Tomato

1 - [TM921/S] Grande Marzano Tomato

1 - [TM939/L] Pineapple Tomato

1 - [ToOlG] Tomato - Old German

Sigh. I'm weak, what can I say?

Which varieties of tomato are your favorites?


  1. Costoluto Fiorentino; Outdoor Girl; Incas; Legend; Ildi; Shirley. Looking forward to seeing your Pineapple... never heard of it... Good Luck. I reckon you have just been unlucky with the blight. I have more luck with the earlier tomatoes because they fruit before the blight sets in (usually!)

  2. I like the names of some of these. "Cosmonaut Volkov"... I think I'd be hearing the theme song from "Hunt for Red October" in my head whenever I'd go visit that plant. Not that it has anything to do with the Ukraine...or Tomatoes. Just me being random.

    I love "Cherokee Purple" tomatoes. I have tried growing them on several occasions and once had some great success. Once. Four years ago. We're going to try again with some of those upside-down planter things. I can't help it--we're suburban on a cliff in a forest, but I'm determined to garden somehow! ;)

  3. We've grown the Costoluto Genovese. I don't know if it's my favorite (I get my plants mixed up after awhile), but I definitely like to say "Costoluto Genovese" over and over. Makes me feel very exotic.

  4. LOL, that's hilarious. I must admit that other than looking for neat colors and the words "good flavor," I tend to pick tomatoes based upon the names... kinda like racehorses.

    I grew Cherokee Purples last year and got a handful of them. The color was exotically beautiful, but (and this could have a lot to do with my soil) I wasn't terribly impressed by the flavor. That being said, I might be biased because I was rather bitter that 90% of my Cherokee Purple seedlings bit the dust and I had to buy the plants from the nursery :).

  5. hehehe, my husband speaks fluent Italian, so I suspect he'll have a keen interest in that variety :).
