Monday, January 28, 2013

SearchTempest: A Better Way to Use Craigslist

I am forever haunting Craigslist. I just love it.

I've scored some pretty sweet deals on it in the past, but one of my long-standing complaints is that there are many different Craigslist cities within easy driving distance, and that require separate searches. To see if there are any, *cough cough* jersey cows *cough cough* within about a 200 mile radius, I have to search over a dozen different Craigslist sites.

About a year ago, somebody told me about SearchTempest. You simply enter your zip code, the amount of miles you're willing to travel, and voila!

The results can be displayed as either "Combined Results Mode" which will put all of the cities together on one page, or "Direct Results Mode" which keeps the cities separate and allows you to toggle between them in a new window.

If you do any kind of regular shopping on Craigslist, please do yourself a favor and check it out.


  1. Nadja Van der StroomJanuary 29, 2013 at 3:59 AM

    This is husband is addicted to Craigslist, so this will make him very happy indeed! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Glad to be of service, Nadja :). Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Thank you for this posting, I was looking for this forever, will share with my hubs as we are both craigslist fans. Also liked looking at Nadjas website, love how similar we are in this world.

  4. Ah, I'm so glad it's of use! I'm thinking of giving it up for Lent I scan it so much :-D.

    Nadja's site is one of my very favorites. She has such a lovely family and such a model lifestyle. It inspires me all that they can do with small acreage.
