Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like... House Building

It's been 18 months since we bought a 5 acre parcel of land, and until very recently I didn't have the boldness to hope we would actually build a house within my lifetime the next five years.

But we just got the go-ahead from a local bank to build our own house, which these days is almost impossible to come by! I don't mean being our own general contractors, which is difficult enough though possible... I mean hammer-in-hand, drywall-mud-on-clothes, aching-back do-it-ourselves builders.

The timeline is still sketchy, no papers have been signed, we haven't even picked out a floorplan. But a go-ahead from the bank was (until we start drywalling) the biggest hurdle to building.

I spend my spare time these days watching things like this, and this, and this.

Oh happy day!


  1. Congratulations! don't forget to pray to St Joseph every day before you pick up the hammer

  2. Woo hoo! Keep me posted...I hope my floorplan idea wins out! haha

  3. Best wishes with the home buliding!  We didn't start from scratch, but we are learning to do a lot by ourselves.  YOU can do it!  Videos are great!

  4. That is so exciting!!!!!!  And coming from someone who only JUST settled into our (hopefully) forever home, I am so happy for you!  None of my rooms are as grand as half the things I pinned, but this place feels like home to me.  (My husband is currently in our garage staining beautiful homemade bookshelves for our den.  It's a work in progress!!!!)

  5. Alleluia! He's what got the ball rolling, actually... we started a massive novena to him :).

  6. We'll have the foundation, framing, and roof done by a local construction company but after that we hope to do the rest :). I've learned so much from YouTube!! They make it seem like I could do anything. Hope I'm not in for too rude an awakening :-D.

  7. Wow! Praise the Lord! How awesome that will be to live in a home that you two built together! Congrats! I'm sure it will keep you very busy, but I hope you will have time to blog all about it! (Just realized I punctuated every sentence with an exclamation point, but it's okay 'cause I really am that excited for you guys :)!)~Cassi

  8. Lisa, your joy is infectiously contagious (what an awful image for such a beautiful reality). I'm so happy for you, too!! I LOVE looking at pictures you post of your new place -- it's so spacious and lovely!

  9. By the way - my friends here in town took a modular home, gutted it and rebuilt it.  It is a work in progress and they still have some additions to do, but you should check out their blog!  They just got it up and running (it took forever to get Internet out to their house!!)

  10. Congratulations!  I hope you post pictures.  If your house is anything like what you cooking looks like from the pictures you post, it will be absolutely amazing!  I have to say that I was starting to wonder if you were getting ready to build based off of all of the stuff you have been pinning on Pinterest lately....  :-)

  11. Nadja Van der StroomDecember 5, 2012 at 8:50 AM

    It'll be two years come March since we cleared the land for our new house, and Bret is just getting the siding done now...not easy when you are doing it alone, although he did have help with the foundation and the roof.  When asked how the house is coming, I usually say that our 4 boys will have to finish it and bury us in the backyard!

    It's an exciting process, though, when progress is made!
