Thursday, May 3, 2012

Organic Pest Control: Joke's On Me

Determined not to have my entire garden decimated by the mysterious pest, I mixed up a lethally spicy concoction of jalapeños, habañero peppers, raw garlic and water. Supposedly if you spray the spicy slurry on the leaves, the bugs, birds, and beasts will leave your precious produce in peace.

Besides clogging the nozzle of my spray bottle, it seems to be working quite well. I positively doused everything but the lettuce, because, after all, I wouldn't want the trick to backfire (so to speak).

A few days later, Enter, Stage Left: this tantalizing recipe.

"I have pea shoots!" I yelled to my laptop. "I have walnuts, and Parmesan. I even have mint!"

Excitement got the better of me.

You can see where this is headed, of course.

"Delicate," they said. "A burst of intense pea flavor," they said.

I think the salad was good. I'll let you know when my tongue is extinguished.


  1. Nadja Van der StroomMay 4, 2012 at 5:08 AM

    Yah..."organic" doesn't actually translate to "safe"...but now you know why the bugs are staying away!

  2. The_Extremely_Bearish_BearMay 4, 2012 at 5:13 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!  Great picture :)  Your last post was hilarious, too, by the way, but it's too much work to try to comment on two separate posts with a squirmy baby on my lap.  :)

  3. Nice post. I be taught one thing more difficult on totally different blogs everyday. It is going to all the time be stimulating to learn content material from different writers and apply just a little one thing from their store.
    organic pest control

  4. does it really work?  Will it get rid of caterpillars, too?  I have some on my roses, as well as thrips!

  5. Well, others claim to have rip-roaring success. I must admit that the holes in the leaves seemed to stop, but it also coincided with the plants getting bigger (not as tender and succulent to the little buggers?). I'm about to transplant some cucumber seedlings and will try it on them. I've already had one batch of cucumber seedlings wiped out by pests, so this might be a good litmus test :). Will report back in a few weeks!

  6. Organic pest control is really good to use for some important reasons. Organic type of pest control can only kill small amount of pests. Ideal to be use in your house only but if you will talk on massive pests then you should use those prefer one.
