Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This Week on Pinterest

From my "I Want to Make - Savory" Board: {Pin} Herbed Garlic Parmesan Popcorn

From my "I Want to Make - Sweet Treats" Board: {Pin} Strawberry Lemonade Concentrate

From my "Hardy Har Har" Board: {Pin}

From my "I Want to Make - Sweet Treats" Board: {Pin} Chocolate / Chocolate Truffle Easter Eggs

"I Want to Make DIY/Crafty" Board: {Pin} How to Make Countertops from Wooden Doors


  1. R. de Arts CulinairesMarch 28, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    I am going to passover over this frivolous, trifling stuff and flip back many pages to the Sticky Sweet Orange Chicken this weekend  Now that was of memorable substance.

    I want to congratulate you for giving up those Tibetan Mixed Root and Moth Wing Pancakes for Lent.

    I'm imagining a serious all or nothing throwdown after the Cherry Harvest.

    R. de Arts Culinaires

  2. Just days before I can partake of those pancakes again... wanna come over for Easter and we can partake?

    All or nothing what? Bragging rights? I've already got those, as you've yet to produce a single dish :-p.
