Monday, March 26, 2012

Fool Proof Guide to Killing Seedlings

64 little tomato seedlings are now buried in their peat moss graves. The popsicle stick label markers, made in a burst of creativity, are now grim headstones... cruel reminders of happier times.

I asked a master gardener yesterday what I was doing wrong, since this happens every time.

"How often should I water them?"

"About twice a week. How often did you water them?"

Guiltily: "Twice a day."

"Go to confession, woman. That's first class herbicide."


  1. I killed all of my herb seedlings when I decided they looked like they needed sun. I guess they were still too young... :-(

  2. Mine died too.  So did the Meyer Lemon seeds.  It was a long shot....

  3. Haha... I'd do that too I'm sure.  I always fear they don't get enough water, whatever the plant is.  Live and learn :)

  4. Sad sad sad!! It's kind of a major source of angst to me when I murder seedlings :( but I'm gonna try again!

  5. Oooh... you started Meyer Lemon seeds?? Reminds me of the avocado pit my sister planted. It thrived for two years and then one morning just flopped over :-\. Here's to round 2, eh??

  6. It might explain why I've also killed every houseplant I've ever had! I mean, when you've got a plant in the house sitting in a sunny spot, about all you can do for it is water it, right? So I want to make sure it's well taken care of... but apparently I love them to death :(. hehe

  7. But you got a great post out of it, so it's not a total waste... :)

  8.  Update!  I spoke too soon about the Meyer Lemon seeds.  I have three little bright green sprouts coming through.  I thought they had all rotted, because of the white mildew-ish film on the soil and lack of any other sign of life.  Took over a month, but we have sprouts.  Happy dance.

  9. Oh happy day! What a glorious little Easter blessing :).
