Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Edible Sprouting Around the Kitchen

My tomatoes are sprouting!

ML stands for "Mortgage Lifter." I'm trying to grow some new varieties of tomato this year: Cherokee Purple, Black Krim, and Brandywine.

This sprouted lentil salad is quickly becoming my favorite. A few cups of sprouted lentils, green (or red) onion, feta (tomato basil feta is really good here), black olives, garlic powder, salt, pepper, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Last week I put some green beans in it, too, but I can only imagine the possibilities this Summer with a garden full of fresh produce.

Today I had some on the side of minestrone soup with a hunk of buttered sourdough bread. I shouldn't eat this well during Lent!

Here is some sprouting wheat.

I'll probably grind some into sprouted flour.

But most of it is going to be made into tabbouleh!

I have to dehydrate it first.

And then stick it into the blender to make bulgur.

I've never made bulgur before, so this is an experiment.

If it doesn't go well, I've always got my sprouted lentil salad.


  1. Do you ever sprout almonds? :) 

  2. That salad (and sourdough bread- YUM) sounds AMAZING!!! Getting hungry over here. lol

  3. Looks amazing! This is my first year gardening and I've also got seeds for Black Krim...but I'd be excited to succeed in eating anything I grow given it's my first try! I'm not eating grains right now but I'd love to try making sprouted hummus or something along those lines...but I'm afraid I'd do something wrong. How hard is it to sprout beans/legumes?

  4. I've been sprouting wheat berries to add into my bread. It's so much more flavorful and textured! If only I had a grain mill, I would totally make sprouted flour, too.

    How did you decide what varieties of tomatoes to go with? We want to try some heirloom varieties but I am clueless about what to look for.

  5. You know, I never have, but we just really don't eat nuts very much around here. I'm lookin' into it, though :).

  6. Sprouting beans is as easy as sprouting radish seeds (i.e. super easy). So long as you rinse 2-3 times a day, you're good!

  7. Hm... I think I decided based on the knowledge that I could only grow so many different varieties (space limitations) and picked the 3 that looked like they had the most color/flavor and 1 that looked like I wouldn't be able to kill it ('cause apparently heirlooms are more susceptible to disease). I went with Black Krim, Purple Cherokee and Brandywine for color/flavor/uniqueness, and Mortgage Lifter for unkillability, hehe.

    Let me know which ones you go with! I've never had much success with tomatoes but each year I try anew :).

  8. Hi!  I'm a new reader.  I never thought to grow my own sprouts for salads!  Do you have a website I can peruse to learn how?

  9. Hi Ally! Thanks for reading :).
    Everything I learned about sprouts and sprouting I learned from this website: http://sproutpeople.org/sprouts/grow/instructions.html. It was extremely helpful to me! I don't buy seeds from them, but their tutorials are great.
