Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Very Good English Custom

I think I'm becoming an old lady.

Customs, events, foods, and music that I couldn't stand as a kid are suddenly quite appealing to me, and the reverse is true as well.

A prime example of this is my sudden fascination for hot tea.

Hot tea used to taste like a weak rusty brew of leaves steeped in hot water.


Well, a weak rusty brew of leaves steeped in hot water used to be gross to me, but now I really enjoy the warm beverage, sometimes even, *gasp,* without sugar.

I came across this delightful song, recently, and I wholeheartedly think we should adopt, as a nation, the 4:00 p.m. tea time!

Will anyone second the motion?


  1. I don't know.  I'm reading an old British book called Cottage Economy and he spends quite a lot of time lamenting the inroads tea had made into British society, at the expense of beer.  Tea, he feels, weakens the body, while beer strengthens it.  Nutritionally, I'm thinking he's right. :-)

  2. My oldest friend's mother (as in "have known the longest" not "she's really stinking old" haha) is Scottish.  My 10-year-old self was thrilled to find out that tea parties exist in real life.  :3

    I am a little less English, however, and a little more Asian/Colonized India in that I prefer green teas or black tea in the form of spiced chai over standard black teas.  Though there is something to be said for a good Irish Breakfast blend.

  3. Only if coffee is an option too! Not a huge tea drinker here..only when I'm sick

  4. Sounds good to me!  Actually I drink tea much more often than coffee and I've become a tea snob.  I much prefer loose leaf tea over teabag tea any day - big difference between the two.  I bought a french press years ago and found it perfect for brewing a nice size pot that I can leave on the counter and drink whenever.

  5. I love tea--and I'm meet you for tea here at 4:00! LOL

  6. Once I get past the fact that it's not bursting-with-flavor sugary goodness, I've found that I haven't found a tea I don't like yet :).

  7. That's how the love affair started... I drank some tea when I was sick and realized it wasn't so bad :).

  8. hehe, I wondered if I'd be able to tell the difference between bagged and loose leaf... I don't want to become a connoisseur, 'cause that usually involves more $$ :).

  9. Every morning without fail I make my self a cup of tea.  it is a relaxing and soothing way o start the morning!  my fav is earl grey

  10. Earl Gray is uncommonly good. I kind of like just plain black or green right now, but the herbal teas are pretty good, too :).

  11. what a wonderful article. i loved the whole thing. i will start to follow this post for sure. thanks
