Monday, December 19, 2011

My Christmas Card Habit

I'm an eager beaver when it comes to Christmas cards. I buy them in early January when they're on clearance, I store them all year long, they jam up my kitchen drawer and deep into August I dream about that clear drawer come Christmas.

The first Sunday of Advent I write lists of people I'm going to send them to.

2nd week of Advent: "Should we include a picture and write a Christmas letter?"

Gaudete Sunday: "I still haven't written that Christmas letter, maybe we'd better just sign 'em and include a picture."

Christmas Eve: "Yeorg! It's still the Christmas season until Epiphany, right?"

Week after Christmas: clearance aisle, resolving to do better and actually send some next year. "But oohh... aren't these beautiful??"

Do you send Christmas cards? A letter? A picture?


  1. I was talking to my mama on the phone yesterday and she mentioned that she talked to YOUR mama recently and then I realized that I didn't have your address and didn't send YOU a Christmas card!!! Would you mind emailing it to me? There is still time! :) hehe

  2. My family always did Christmas letters + cards.  I started buying Christmas cards in January when I was in college so I could do the same.  I would send out like 10, then have 40 or so leftover.  And I couldn't throw them away, but I couldn't send them the next year, because everyone should be getting the same card, right?  Anyway, I think I still have a box or two that I haven't been able to pass on.   I don't know that we did anything last year.  We're doing a photo card this year for the first time ever, though!

  3. I'm still thinking about it - Made a list, but am still debating internally whether to write a letter to each person, or just send a card signed! 

    I'll probably wait until there's only 2 days left for Christmas, and then do it...  ;)

  4. We send picture cards so everyone can see how the children have grown in a year, and I try to make up a short note or poem to be printed on the back.  This year I had to add a new address for everyone to update it, so I ordered the cards EARLY--like mid-November.  Then Life interfered with my rosy-hued plans and I'm finishing the  Luckily everyone's cards are still being forwarded from the old address!

  5. We do cards, since kids a photo card but have as yet not managed a letter ~ maybe next year.

  6. Wow. You just described my Christmas card life...I fully intend to get some out this year! Before Epiphany!

  7. I really like getting photo cards, except when it's just a pic of the kids (or WORST thing ever, of their DOG). I love family photos :-D.

  8. Ah, you've got until the Ephiphany, right? :)

  9. Funny how Life interferes like that, hm? hehehe :) Yay for getting them out!

  10. My sister-in-law sends out the BEST Christmas letters. I actually save them 'cause they're so entertaining :). It's a tough act to follow, so for now I'll stick to cards :).

  11. My full intentions went awry this year, yet again. But I may have to break down and do Christmas in July cards, hehehe.
