Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Goodnight, Irene

The chickens are killed, scalded, plucked, eviscerated, wrapped, and frozen.

Yes, I expect to have nightmares tonight of little guillotines.

Regardless, goodnight.


  1. Ohmygoodness!!! I hope the savory thoughts of chicken soup and fried chicken take over in place of the scary chicken massacre of 2011!!! ;)

  2. I can sympathize on the bad, vivid dreams part.  I can still picture my sweet (????) granny sending chickens to meet their maker, and that was almost 40 years ago.  You're a much stronger woman than I to have taken on such a project.  However, given a little time and distance, they will make great Sunday suppers!

  3. Please email
    me! I have a question about your blog :)

  4. That's exactly what we called it, LOL! "Chicken Massacre 2011"! oh gosh it was awful!

  5. I'm not taking a single chicken out of the freezer until January... "for me the grief is still too near." Oh my goodness, it was traumatic!
    I actually had to beg off of the killing part and asked a certain sister-in-law to take my place at the guillotine. I eviscerated the corpses, but the gore was almost never-ending.
    They'd better taste amazing!

  6. I'm sure they will.  I can't say that I remember a marked difference in flavor when Grandma retired from the chicken business, forcing us to eat chicken from the store.  But then, I could only tell we were eating rabbit rather than chicken because there weren't any wings on the platter!
