Thursday, November 3, 2011

This Week in Pinterest

Well, Google Reader has eliminated the ability to share links (unless you do it through Google+) so that nice little sidebar on the left entitled "Recently Pondered" is now defunct. I may keep it up by manually add links to it, but the one-click ease factor is gone.

Thankfully, there is Pinterest to fill the void. This week, I shared the following ideas on Pinterest:

From Flickr. Did you know that the little green shaker top on a Parmesan container fits onto a regular mouth Mason jar? Turn a glass jar into a shaker.

From You can make individual packets of creams, ointments, lotions or hand sanitizer using drinking straws and a lighter.

From Justsomethingimade. Label your chargers and never wonder again, "is this my camcorder charger or my old broken phone charger?"

From Etch your Pyrex dishes cheaply, easily, and permanently. No more wondering whose is whose at the potluck. It could make a lovely wedding gift with a few kitchen towels, too. The design possibilities for etching are endless.

Aren't these simple but lovely ideas? Are you on Pinterest? I can send you an invitation if you'd like.