Friday, October 28, 2011

Ofelia's Fate Revealed



No real surprise, actually. Poor Ofelia isn't pregnant.

HOWEVER, I really can't bear to eat my first milk cow. No, we never got a drop of milk out of her, but she was awfully cute, she gave me hope for being a milk maid, and she was a mascot of sorts for the farm.

So we cancelled her date with the butcher and are sending an infertile beef heifer in her place. No, Ofelia's not going to retire and live out the end of her days with us. We are going to sell her at the cow sale, where, most likely, she will ultimately meet her maker... but she won't be buried in our freezer.

Who knows? Maybe somebody will buy her as a dairy cow and give her another go! Good luck, Ofelia.


  1. Aww. What a sweet post.

    I had purchased a cute older pony for my daughter at an auction one time. I even rode it that evening and he seemed fine.. well, the next day .. after his meds wore off - we saw his TRUE character - which wasn't good.

    I had to take him back to the auction and I felt so bad because I knew he would be off to the... the... the.. well, let's just say I'm sure his new name was Elmers... :-(...

    Guess it's all of farm life right??

  2. Poor little Elmer!

    Farm life is awful sometimes, isn't it?
