Few kitchen implements give me more joy than a good sharp knife. To slice and dice and chop with ease makes tedious prep work enjoyable.
Today I was graciously gifted with a
Rada tomato knife
. It's a one-job piece of cutlery, designed specifically for the purpose of slicing tomatoes, which it does with a precise delicate dexterity rarely found in the world of serrated stainless steel.
Oh happy day!
Do you have any semi-frivolous kitchen gizmos or gadgets that make your life easier? Do share!
This might sounds completely ridiculous, but it is on my List Of Things To Do to find another good, quality serrated knife. Thank you for the official endorsement! I'm adding that to my Christmas list! ;)
And on that note, my kitchen gadgets that I have too many of, but really, can never have too many of, are cutting boards. :)
I'm an enthusiastic (*coughmessycough*) cook, so I'm a big fan of my apron. :)
ceramic knives are hands down my favorite . They stay Sharp forever but can be pricey
Completely ridiculous or ridiculously amazing? :-D This serrated knife is a uni-tasker... only cut out (so to speak, hehe) for tomato slicing. But I HIGHLY recommend Rada cutlery. I really like the pieces I have, they're cheap but great quality, made in the USA, and if you buy it from some kid doing a fundraiser it helps him out, too :).
Ah, cutting boards. Yes! A bunch of my wooden ones split (cause I, er, um, well... put 'em in the dishwasher a bunch of times, I KNOW I KNOW!) and I'm heartbroken.
Can a girl have too many aprons? I submit that she cannot! :-D
I do like RADA, and I own a fair amount because the kids' school has been selling it every fall since I attended there! In fact, I am planning to order a tomato knife at the end of this month.
I also love my Pampered Chef stoneware. I did fine baking without it before owning my first piece and balked repeatedly at the prices, but after I got some (on sale) a few years back I was hooked. It has made baking with spelt flour SO much easier! Plus, they don't contain the lead that is in quite a few other stoneware brands and cleaning is a cinch.
*caveat: I do not bake my cookies on stoneware. I know people who love the pans for that, but I like the texture better on my regular old metal pans. Breads, pizzas, sweet potato fries, roasted broccoli, roasting chickens...yes, yes, yes!
Yeorg, I didn't know there could be lead in stoneware. Good to know! :) (and also good to know you don't do cookies on it... I never tried it but never wanted to)
I love all of the items that have been mentioned here. My Rada tomato knife, my Pampered Chef Pizza Stone, and my apron were all gifts though. I recently picked up a waffle iron at Goodwill for $5 and I have been making waffles like mad!
I was thinking about asking for silpats for Christmas. Does anyone have any experience using them?
Oh goodness, I LOVE my silpat (as much as you can love an inanimate kitchen object). I actually did an experiment the other day and made 2 batches of macaroons straight on a cookie sheet, and another batch on the silpat. The ones on the cookie sheet had flat drippy edges, and the ones on the silpat were round and supple. It was awesome. Not only that, of course, but NOTHING sticks to it!
I'm actually hoping to get another, slightly smaller, silpat for my smaller baking sheets.
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