Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Date With Fate

Poor Ofelia, our dry milk cow.

She is going to be preg tested this Friday.

The results of her test will determine whether I clean out my freezer or call to cancel her butcher appointment on November 29th.

She's such a cute cow, and she has a lot of personality. It will be dreadfully sad, but a milk cow who can't have calves (and thus produce milk) is a useless eater on a farm.

Sometimes farmy life isn't much fun.


  1. We are in the same sour situation, our Antnie is headed for the same fate if she is not preggo ...

  2. My son's godparents have a small farm with a some chickens, a pig and a few cows.  We were visiting one evening and walking around we saw one of the cows dozing in the pasture.  The following conversation ensued
    Farmer's six year old daughter :The cow is sad because her friend is gone.
    Farmer: Yeah, we butchered the other cow last week
    Daughter: It is okay.  This cow won't be sad for long, because we're going to butcher her next year.

    We still laugh about this!

  3. LOL!! I got a good long laugh out of that one :). Thanks for sharing, Justice!

  4. C'mon Baby! I'm rooting for Ofelia to have a + test! .... Or, I'm praying for the patience of Abraham....

    "But Lord, if there are but 40 people left in this city who are God-fearing?..."
    "I hate to push the issue further, but if there are only 30?"
    "Forgive me for being so bold, but what if there are only 20?"

    Any shot at giving her one more chance if she's not preggo?

  5. Please let us know the test results. I don't even know this cow, and hope she lives. 

  6. LOL! Well... probably not. We've had her for almost two years, now, and she's has a truckload of chances. But I'm rootin' for her, too! She's a dear little cow.

  7. LOL, will do! :) (I hope she lives, too!)
