Monday, October 31, 2011

Cattle Ranching: Out on the Range

Last week I mentioned an overnight business trip to check on the progress of our little herd of cattle.

Some time I'll have to tell you about the trip itself, 'cause it was a doozy! But for now...

Here is part of the ranch; the area where the cattleman works his horses.

Horses on this ranch, you see, are vital. You could die pretty easily in a rollover accident on a 4-wheeler in this range land.

Horses can carefully pick their way down these cliffs.

Other wildlife are pretty good at it, too. I heard there are bears and cougars on this ranch, but mercifully we didn't run into any of them.

This is what we came to see!

Mamas and babies are pretty well bonded.

The calves are chubby and fat.

Coats are sleek and shiny.

Lookin' good, sir.

We'll stay away from those!

Yep... everything looks good!


  1. Husband and I really enjoyed this post, as we are managing a small heard of cattle ourselves. They are beautiful beast and the smell like...... errr well they smell like money !

  2. Beautiful land and cattle!

  3. The_Extremely_Bearish_BearOctober 31, 2011 at 10:58 PM

    These pictures are SO beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm totally serious about you taking some pictures of Sweet Baby.  I'll pay you.  You're really talented at this!

  4. Thanks! :) (wish the land was ours, hehe)

  5. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading more about your trip. Where was this ranch??? :) Thanks!

  6. Thanks, Deborah! You know, I honestly don't know where the place was, as we didn't use Google directions nor a map... we just followed the guy's directions. I think it was somewhere in Northeastern Oregon, Southeastern Washington, or Northwestern Idaho :).
