Friday, September 30, 2011

The Price of Civil Service

My jury duty a few weeks ago?


I've already spent it in my mind 22 times. But if my dream house savings account doesn't win, I might squander it toward this.


  1. That dress is adorable!  I just may have to put it on my wish list.

  2. So pretty! I'm always on the lookout for vintage or vintage-style dresses. Oh, the hours I spend on Etsy...

  3. I can't decide if I like it in purple or mustard more :). I think the black one is classiest, but I don't need a black dress. If it's gonna be that cute it may as well be an awesome color, too, right? :-D

  4. Oh goodness, Eva, I stay off of Etsy most days because of that very temptation :). Although I've never actually bought anything, it's a major time waster for me to browse.

  5. The_Extremely_Bearish_BearOctober 2, 2011 at 11:15 AM

    Oh my gosh, that is SO cute!!!!  You have to get it!   :-)

  6. Maybe 10 pounds from now :). I need the incentive.
