Monday, September 26, 2011

Exceptional Customer Service

We need to have Ofelia (our Jersey cow) pregnancy tested. We really do. If she's not pregnant, tragic as it is she's just going to have to go into the freezer. If she is pregnant, we need to prepare for an onslaught of milk. Either way, we really do need to know, though I keep putting it off.

I read somewhere that you can mail in a blood sample to a vet lab to confirm (or deny) cow pregnancy. We thought this would be a <i>lot</i> easier than trying to get the cow to the vet. So I popped on over to the feed store to see if they had the necessary items for the draw.

The lady working there didn't know much about it, but she gave me the store phone and dialed up an employee at home... the resident cow expert.

No, she said, they didn't have the supplies necessary at the store, but she did have some of her own. She then gave me a 22 minute highly entertaining and informative discourse about taking cow blood samples and packaging them for shipping, and told me to hang tight and she'd drive in (on her day off, remember) to give me the supplies.

When she arrived shortly thereafter (with extra supplies in case we messed up) she then copied down the phone numbers for two more vets in the area who might do house calls in case we needed backup. I left educated, armed, and exhilarated.

Despite the fact the chicken feed is an extra $1.15 at this mercantile, I can assure you I'll be patronizing them in the future.