Friday, September 16, 2011

Dry-Erase Fridge Inventory

When I was a kid, my parents would often remind me that the refrigerator was not a TV. Why? Because I would open it and stare and stare and stare, trying to find something deliciously appetizing.

Some habits die hard and this is one of them... I'm still a refrigerator gawker. I can stare at the same bag of carrots for two full minutes, imagining the possibilities while wasting energy and warming up the contents of my ice box.

Enter: the school year. Enter: dry-erase markers. Enter: flash of inspiration.

We've got an ancient refrigerator, so I can't recommend this across the board. I don't know what it does to the finish after doing this for a long time (though that's what magnets and photos are for, right?) but so far it wipes off really well with some rubbing alcohol.

Now it's kinda hard to keep reminding myself that this isn't an inventory of all of the fruits and vegetables we have in our house -- just the ones in the fridge. Of course I could list those on there, too, but I'm trying to keep it kinda simple for now.

Looks like I need some Parmesan. And whaddya know? It didn't take me four minutes to stare in the cheese drawer to figure that out (while dreaming of Chicken Parmesan)!


  1. I love that you have 4lbs of butter. It's in our BLOOD. :)

  2. Very cool (idea, and inside of fridge)!

  3. What a great idea! I have tried writing snack ideas on paper for the kids, and posting that on the refrigerator, but it is always changing. Since we have an old refrigerator too, I might try this instead.

  4. hehehehe.... and that's just what's in the fridge (notice I didn't show the freezer inventory).

  5. Oooh yes... I'm thinking about writing the inventory smaller so I can write notes, family to-dos, and other things on there, too :). Hope it works for you!
