Friday, August 12, 2011

Tea Party: Egg Salad Sandwiches

Next week in the Tea Party series we'll cover sweet treats, but today we finish up the miniature sandwiches.

Mix together chopped hard boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, salt, a little garlic powder, fresh (or dried) dill, chopped dill pickle, minced celery and you've got one of my favorites smiling back up at you.

If your hard boiled egg has a grey ring around the yolk, you've cooked it far too long. It tastes fine, of course, but if you're hosting a tea you don't want anything as indelicate as grey egg yolks!

For perfectly cooked hard boiled eggs, bring a pot of water with 1 Tbsp. vinegar to a boil. Gently place eggs (room temperature eggs are best, as they won't crack open from temperature shock) in the boiling water, cover the pot with a lid, remove from heat, and set a timer to 15 minutes. You'll have the happiest hard boiled egg you've ever cooked.

It makes a tasty Friday lunch, as well.


  1. I tagged you for a blog award!  I love your blog!

  2. Thank you so much, Una! I hope to participate soon :). (Btw, I love your blog, too!)
