Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tea Party: Easy Oreo Truffles

I've posted Oreo truffles before, but they were of the mint variety. I know they've been popular around the blogosphere and the magazine world (magasphere?), and you've probably even made them before, but I post them again because they're just SO good, and SO easy!

They're also a nice little bite-sized treat for a tea party.

I made the filling one day, and rolled and dipped them the next.

Actually they can stay in your fridge (after dipping) for weeks, but good luck making them last that long.

Go ahead, girls... whip out a batch of these tonight!

You know they're calling your name.

3 ingredients, why not?

Easy Oreo Truffles
Printable Version

1 package chocolate sandwich cookies (yeah, I didn't actually use Oreos, I used Famous Amos I think)
1 8oz. package cream cheese (softened)
white chocolate bark (or 1/2 a bag or so of white chocolate chips + 2 tsp. oil)

1. Crush cookies (filling and all) in food processor, blender or in a ziplock using a rolling pin
2. Stir in softened cream cheese. Use the back of a large spoon to help mash the two together.
3. Roll the mixture into 1″ balls and place on wax paper covered cookie sheet.
4. Melt chocolate as directed on the package (if using white chocolate chips and oil, don't add the oil until after the chocolate is melted) and then dip balls into chocolate, tap off extra and set aside on wax paper covered cookie sheet to dry.
5. Garnish with cookie crumbs.
6. Once dry (if they get to that stage before you polish 'em all off), refrigerate and enjoy!
Makes about 36 truffles.


  1. Oh my word... those wouldn't last a minute here!

  2. Can you please send me these for my next birthday?!?!?

  3. They hardly lasted a minute at my place. My husband discovered how much he likes them, too ;).

  4. I haven't had the truffles, but I ate something magical at a pitch-in tonight: No-bake Oreo Bars.  They are Rice Krispie treats with Oreos instead of cereal! 
