Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday Musings on a Marian Feast

Right now... I've just gotten back from Adoration. I'm hungry for lunch and am greedily eyeing the leftover tomato salad.

Happy Feast of the Coronation!

This weekend... was beautiful. *sigh*

Some plans for this week... declutter the house. I did it last year but it needs to be done again. Bye bye things I haven't used or looked at during that year. Yes, someday I may need it, but if I haven't used it in the last year, chances are I really don't need it.

Tomorrow my sister-in-law and I are going to can tomatoes. I actually have a half dozen jars of tomatoes leftover from last year, but that's because I hoarded them (are you noticing a packrat theme, here?).

On Wednesday we're having a dinner party, so I need to plan and prep for that. I'd like to make the ice cream and blueberry pie ahead of time, anyway.

I also need to paint the chicken coop. I've hemmed and hawed about it for months, but really? I need to just do it.

Friday morning the dishwasher repairman guy is coming to install a new dishwasher. Too bad he couldn't come before the dinner party on Wednesday.

If I find some time for myself, I would like to... harvest all of the potatoes and plant a fall crop of peas.

Some prayer intentions for this week: for some forward movement on the dream house.

I am grateful for... a relaxing weekend. This final week of Summer vacation. A great prayer meeting on Saturday.

Something that makes me smile... memories of the weekend with my husband. What a character he is!

Monday Musings are hosted at Patch O' Dirt Farm.


  1. It sounds like your Monday has been lovely...and very busy

  2. Hmmmm...must have been some weekend!
    And I am totally with you on prayers for moving forward with a new house.  I feel like I'll have to wait until my four boys are old enough to build it for me!

  3. just from an old homeschool mom who is all done now.....I really like your blog!  It makes me smile!  All two kids grown and homeschooled k-12.  Thank you God for all the help and grace!

  4. Well, if y'all ever get yours underway, maybe you could hire out up here? :)

  5. Thanks so much for your kind comment, Evensong! Congrats on 13+ years of homeschooling :).
