Friday, July 1, 2011

I Think I Forgot to Mention...

Now that I think about it, I don't think I ever mentioned that we closed on those 5 acres we were thinking about buying.

Yes, we're landowners!

Honestly, we closed on May 25th and haven't been to the property since then... nor have we popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Cherry harvest (which just finished, successfully and beautifully) has been a little bit all-consuming.

But we have great plans for our little plot, and hopefully within the next several years it will morph into our dream homestead. For now I just want to plant a little grove of fig trees and hope they're nice and mature by the time we can build and move out there.

Oh, let the dreaming begin!


  1. Congratulations!!! That is amazing news! And congrats too on finishing cherry harvest! I know you're relieved and I can't wait to see pictures! :)

  2. Thanks, Jenn!!
    Yes, relief is a definite emotion going on right now, although payroll starts tomorrow... :).

  3. Congrats on the land purchase - that is so exciting!

  4. Oh, wow. Congratulations! I'm excited for you. :D So glad cherry harvest went well, too.

    Brown Turkey figs are really good....

  5. pointless post here..I am experimenting with my computer..It likes to freeze on your blog..only I have been running some stuff to help..need to experiment...thanks

  6. Carrie-Ann BiondiJuly 3, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    I hope that you get to celebrate soon your new five acres.  I'd like to think that I've had a little something to do with your being able to move a little closer to your dream home....  You see, I absolutely love the divine cherry.  When cherries are in season, I buy (and eat all by myself) at least 3-4 pounds a week of fresh cherries during these delightful summer months.  I eat them with breakfast, as a snack after lunch, and as a snack in the evening when I'm reading a novel.  And don't even get me started on homemade cherry pie, cherry ice cream, chocolate covered cherries....  Hooray for the cherry farmers of the world! 

  7. Brown Turkey figs... I don't know that I've ever tasted them but I'm already drooling :-D.

  8. Keep the cherry habit alive, Carrie-Ann!!
    Thanks for your delightful comment :-D.
