Thursday, July 21, 2011

He Made My Day

Never underestimate the power of a little love note left on the counter to transform an entire day into something beautiful.

I think my face might have frozen in this grin.


  1. +May the wonder of love last you a lifetime..

  2. Husbands are such a blessing!  Don't ever forget that - and remind him often.  :)  Sounds like you have a real keeper....  

  3. I like love notes way more than flowers because I can just treasure them, and they last forever without me having to water them and all that jazz. 

  4. Hah! Exactly! :) I have a box of love notes, but the flowers usually make it to the compost heap (after I've inadvertently killed them).

  5. I love that your "honeymoon phase" seems to never end :-) Beautiful reminder to always appreciate the little things in my marriage that make it so wonderful.
