Monday, July 4, 2011

A Farmer's Wife's Rite of Passage

 I don't like dirt.

I mean, I appreciate it. I know it's important. I know I wouldn't be alive without it. But I don't like it under my fingernails. At all. Ew.

So I can't explain what happened yesterday.

My pepper plants are floundering. They're almost the same size they were when I transplanted them two months ago. Suspecting a lack of water, I did the unthinkable.

I plunged two fingers right into the dirt. I felt around. I didn't even consider there might be creepy bugs down there. Fat slimy slugs didn't occur to me. I didn't notice the I'll-never-be-clean-again feeling of soil under my fingernails. I didn't run to the bathroom to scrub my hands.

My peppers were indeed dry.

And I can't help but feel, as a farmer's wife, I've finally arrived.


  1. Carrie-Ann BiondiJuly 4, 2011 at 8:32 AM

    Maybe you didn't mind it so much in part was because what you plunged your fingers into was soil rather than dirt  :o)   (My stepfather had his own greenhousing business, so we had to learn early on to call it soil... dirt has no organic matter in it).   Oh, and also, it was probably because you love your plants--love, as you well know, overlooks many things things icky!

  2. Nope, not quite.  I spent the morning knee deep in manure. :-)

  3. Soil does not equal dirt, you are right! And yes, most definitely, to your last point :).

  4. Allow me to reassure you - my pepper plants aren't dry yet they are the same size they were when I planted them a month ago. Over the weekend, a seasoned gardener told me to get some Miracle Grow Blossom Booster and apply per directions. Then, to continue using just plain Miracle Grow on them every ten days to two weeks. That's what I plan to do - I'll let you know how it works.  On the icky topic - my dad had an earthworm farm, I got to put my fingers and hands in the beds A LOT. Now, I always wear a good pair of gardening gloves.

  5. Hm, I think some fertilizer would help these little plants out. Please do let me know how it goes, Susan!
    And um, yes... on an earthworm farm I don't think I'd ever take my gardening gloves off :-D.

  6. It is a very small start, but spend enough time outside and you will slowly start to see what gardeners, real or imagined, love about it.  My suggestion would be garden gloves, start small from the Dollar store with a cotton pair, after all, this may not be your calling.  I have lots of pairs from cotton to leather, but then I've grown into this over the years and you just never know what the mood of the day will be.  With my little gloves on I can reach into anything, pick up everything, because of that  little bitty layer of cotton between me and the grossness- I am invincible! Just a thought...

  7. You've made it sound rather romantic. Now I have a date with the Dollar Store tomorrow ;). Thanks!!
