Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sweet Sorrow

The asparagus season is slowly winding down.

I could cry.

I eat asparagus with great gusto. Actually I eat it with my fingers, 'cause I can't wield my fork quickly enough to get that goodness in me (did I really just admit that?). I can never get my fill of it, and the fact that the season is so short makes it that much more desirable.

But the great thing about gardening is that there's always some new delicacy around the corner...

Pure sugar.

These juicy delights just might help to ease the parting blow.


  1. You may proudly admit to eating asparagus with fingers.  You are in good company:

  2. Oh, I hear you!  We are finishing our asparagus too, and will miss it terribly!  We've got strawberries planted, but haven't seen a red one .....yet.....

  3. Ooo0, I forgot to send that pie recipe home with you...I'll have to remember to email it to you. I can't even imagine how good it would be with fresh picked berries! :)

  4. Excellent to know. It just feels so natural ;).

  5. Ours are only coming off two per day -- I can't wait until we get a whole bowlful! :)

  6. Please do! It was scrumptious! I know my husband would love it!!
