Monday, June 20, 2011

Pre Cherry Harvest Checklist

Print bin labels
Make employee ID cards
File and enter employee applications into Harvest Database
Weed-eat around the scales
Clean out weigh shacks
Flag the orchard (for which trees to skip)
Make menu plan and go shopping for harvest meals
Tweak Harvest computer program
Clean out water jugs
Schedule employee training and safety meeting
Go to Confession

There are 47 other items on the family's collective to-do list, but this is a fair sampling.

God willing and the rain don't come, we'll start picking sometime this week.


  1. I know there isn't much I can do from 120 miles away, but let me know if there is anything.  I could make up some frozen meals and desserts.  I don't know how Mom's deep freeze looks for space, but I could make up a few large pans of dinner.

  2. I'm probably not the person to ask -- I'm just the techie bystander :).

  3. "Go to Confession"--ha : ) That's definitely one of the most important items on our pre-harvest check list! 

  4. Most definitely! Mid-harvest and post-harvest too ;).

  5. You sound like me right before the well organized chaos of First Communion, Confirmation, and Closing Picnic.  :)  Praying that everything goes well and the rain holds off!
