Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tis the Season...

One of the most expensive items my husband and I have ever bought (besides the pending piece of property, of course) was a four burner gas grill.

It cost us a whopping $179 +tax, but was paid for entirely by a thick stack of wedding gift cards. We hung onto those plastic cash-replacers for over a year before deciding exactly what we should purchase. I wanted lace curtains, he wanted a cordless drill. The gas grill was something we could both agree on.

It looks so pretty and it works so beautifully. We use it all the time.

Now that it's finally warm enough to walk outside barefoot without dancing on the frozen concrete, I've declared the grilling season to be OPEN!!

So far this week we've had grilled steaks, pork chops, pearl onions, zucchini, mushrooms, bell peppers and asparagus. Tonight I'm grilling chili lime marinated flank steaks, bell peppers, onions and jalapenos for some smoky fajitas. Cheese will not be necessary, and the first beer of the year is chilling in the fridge right now.

The best part is, every time I crank on the propane, I say a little prayer for the dozen or so generous wedding gifters who made this dinner possible.


What's the best (tangible) gift you've ever received?


  1. We used a generous wedding gift card to buy a PowerAid Mixer off the clearance rack. It was a matte gray and the new gray of the season was shiny, but otherwise in perfect condition. I use it at least four times a week, sometimes four times in a day! I still love it, even though I fried the cord (which Kansas Dad replaced for me) and broke off one of the feet (so it wobbles a little). Twelve and a half years later, it's still going strong.

    I wrote a post on my favorite Christmas gifts a few years ago: Our Home on the Range: My Favorite Christmas Gifts.
    They're all still favorites.

  2. ThenotsoperfecthousewifeMay 12, 2011 at 7:14 AM

    We just purchased a new grill too and were planning on grilling all week.. till my hubby realized the propane tank was empty.. LOL... off to get a refill..

  3. We love to grill too, but we do it all year round, even through the snow.....there's just no substitute. Gosh, we have gotten many great gifts over the years, however I just LOVE the nativity set we got for our wedding from my husband's dear Grandmother. We set it out every year and it just looks so realistic, I think it's called Fontanini, not sure on the spelling.

  4. The first thing that comes to mind right now is that my in-laws have offered to pay for piano lessons for our children. Our daughter just started lessons last summer and she had her first piano recital last night. Music is a gift for so many reasons and every time I hear my daughter play I am reminded of that gift.

  5. GAH! Fill it up quick! Grilled deliciousness simply can't wait!

  6. Ah yes -- my mom gave us a KitchenAid for our wedding, and THAT is used daily!
    What would we do without our mixers?? :-D

  7. How beautiful! I know which one you're talking about, and it is quite beautiful :).

  8. What a thoughtful and lasting gift! Those don't come cheap, either!
