Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Riddles, Mysteries, and Not so Subtle Hints

A magnet appeared on our mailbox a few years ago. It had my husband's name on it.

For a while, we were slightly weirded out. Where had it come from? Who was the mystery giver of the name-specific magnet?

Then a baseball cap appeared in the backseat of my car. It certainly didn't belong to us. My husband didn't own up to it.

Shortly after, another ballcap was spotted on the rear-view mirror of my car. Strange happenings!

I had no memory of buying or receiving these things and nobody in the extended family was fessing up.

I started to suspect myself of sleepwalker's kleptomania!!

And now, the oddest puzzle of them all.

Returning home, after having left the front door unlocked for a mere half hour, I came into the bathroom to find this:

What the??

It started out innocently enough with the magnet, but apparently somebody thinks I should either keep my hair under a cap or dye it blonde.