Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Riddles, Mysteries, and Not so Subtle Hints

A magnet appeared on our mailbox a few years ago. It had my husband's name on it.

For a while, we were slightly weirded out. Where had it come from? Who was the mystery giver of the name-specific magnet?

Then a baseball cap appeared in the backseat of my car. It certainly didn't belong to us. My husband didn't own up to it.

Shortly after, another ballcap was spotted on the rear-view mirror of my car. Strange happenings!

I had no memory of buying or receiving these things and nobody in the extended family was fessing up.

I started to suspect myself of sleepwalker's kleptomania!!

And now, the oddest puzzle of them all.

Returning home, after having left the front door unlocked for a mere half hour, I came into the bathroom to find this:

What the??

It started out innocently enough with the magnet, but apparently somebody thinks I should either keep my hair under a cap or dye it blonde.


  1. So, you gonna start locking your house and car doors? That's just weird..maybe you have a cyber stalker turned real stalker 

  2. oh, and was the hair dye used??

  3. That is really, really weird.  And you might want to install some nice security cameras.

  4. ThenotsoperfecthousewifeMay 17, 2011 at 5:06 PM

    Oh my. That's strange and funny at the same time..
    Maybe it's meant for your hubby.. LOL.. is he going gray??

  5. Freaky! Write down everything that has happened with the dates (or as close as you can remember) and as many details as you can remember. My family went through a harassment situation with a neighbor which started out odd and escalated to dangerous. Chances are that your situation won't, but just in case, you want to have the documentation. And lock that door!

  6.  Yikes! That would creep me out!!! Any suspicions on who the culprit might be?

  7. Maybe St. Anthony got you mixed up with someone else. Somewhere in the world someone with your same name is frantically searching for a bottle of hair dye.... :-)

  8.  Oh my...  O.o  Don't give in, brunettes are awesome.  :)

  9. Oh, we do lock them. I just thought the 1/2 hour jaunt wasn't worth the caution, but I guess I was wrong!

  10. LOL!! That's kinda how I feel :).
    Uum... yes, I did wonder if it was for my noble husband :-D -- but he's not blonde either.

  11. The deadbolt is engaged. :) Windows are locked, too.

  12. Yes, actually. I suspect our kind elderly neighbors for the baseball caps and magnet. But the hair dye is still a riddle.

  13. That is REALLY weird! I can't decide if it is just really creepy, or if it is funny...THAT depends upon the giver!

  14. That is REALLY weird! I can't decide if it is totally creepy, or funny...I guess THAT depends upon the giver! I hope that you find out soon, and it turns out funny...

  15. That is scary...and bizarre.  I usually watch those shows like "I Survived" and it doesn't usually make me nervous.  But, combine that show with those hats/hair-dye happenings and I would be a bit paranoid! 

  16. Well, the caps and magnet were confirmed to be our elderly neighbors. The dye? Still not sure.

  17. Gosh, I wasn't worried at all before, but with all these "I'd be paranoid" comments, I screamed when somebody knocked on the front door today. Hehehe. sheesh :).

  18.  If you get the cameras, you can see who did it after the fact.  If you get a dog, you'll still never know.

  19.  And you know what else is nice is a driveway alarm.  I like not being surprised by visitors anymore.  And knowing when the strange ones who just sit and watch the chickens without ever knocking have been by.  :-)

  20. Hahaha!!!  Wow, that is super creepy about the hair dye!!!!
