Friday, May 6, 2011

The Perils of Finals

We only have one more week of school here.

For my pupils, the anticipation is building, the adrenaline is rushing, and the excitement is bubbling over, but that makes the final push more agonizing than ever. Frankly, preparing students for finals is almost as rough as taking them myself (almost).

Consequently, this may or may not have happened today:

Image credit: William Edward Millner (1849-1895), The Afternoon Nap


  1. That's pretty much my reaction to stress, too...

  2. That happens all the time at our school too :) Teacher is usually worn out by noon but manages to eke it out until 1 pm when the other baby in the house goes down for a nap.

  3. Escapism or coping skills? I can't decide :-D.

  4. Naps are a foretaste of the eternal rest of heaven, I'm convinced :).

  5. the Nesting BearMay 8, 2011 at 6:42 AM

    HAHA!!!! Love it. By the way, I just left a movie review on Jenna's blog -- I wish I could cut and paste it for your convenience but this computer won't allow me to do so. The short story is....Dan and I just saw a movie that was actually worth watching! It's called "Last Chance Harvey" and it's the best movie I've seen in a long, long time. It's a very simple film but the director actually bothered to make it a work of art and not just another throw-away in which to mindlessly consume tubs of popcorn and Jujubes. The review is embedded in my last post on the Twilight subject, which she links in today's entry. But I think I just recapitulated here everything you really need to know about it without spoiling anything. Bears will enjoy it, I think. He at least won't be able to make fun of anything in it. It's funny but it also has a lot of sorrow. As Dan says, "It's about life." Of course I don't want to overhype it -- again, I would reiterate that it is very simple -- but it's a movie I would actually buy and I never buy movies. Also, it's a movie you could watch with your parents or with Our Lady without being embarrassed. I'd enjoy hearing what you thought of it. It stars Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson and an excellent supporting cast.

  6. Incase anyone is interested, i will have an old order Mennonite woman named Jean post her 2nd post on my blog this Tuesday. Please feel free to visit and leave a question for her if you like. Richard from Lebanon county's Amish settlement.
