Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Delicate Skirty Question

As those who follow CWCL on Facebook know, I got some pretty new skirts this week.

Besides a brief jean skirt kick in college, a break for black slacks at work, and of course dresses for Mass, I've worn jeans daily since high school. So this ankle length frilly skirt thing on a Wednesday is a little new for me, but so far I really like it.

I have a major question for you skirt people, though.


In my brief walk from my car to the library door, I felt like the skirt-plastered-into-every-crevice-from-waist-to-ankle look was precisely the opposite of the modest feminine look I was going for. I may as well have been sportin' lime green spandex! The headwind caused the skirt to Mod Podge itself to my body.

Do you live as a recluse when the weather hints of wind? Do you have to wear ultra-heavy skirts that aren't effected by gusts? Do tell!


  1.  For me, I opted for the pettipants option.  They have some at Amazon  which are decent.  Essentially, I wear them to make sure I'm covered underneath.  They are also comfortable and light for the summer, but mostly I liked them for a little extra protection from the wind in the winter.  They are much more effective than a tradition slip, since these don't blow up in the wind. :)  

  2. Wow...I never really thought too much about it..I guess if I know the weather's going to be bad, I will wear a good skirt, but mostly, if you have a good slip, that helps too..Mine is just a smidge too tight, so it helps smooth things out just a bit. But, there are some winds that are just so bad,there's nothing you can do.. 

  3. Anyone who's out in the wind with you is too busy fighting it themselves to notice the Mod Podge.  At least... the girl who never notices anything thinks that. (*blush*)

    Just watch out for the gusts that suck up the hem and try to whip it over your head. Or just over your butt, if it can't pull off the full glory. I recommend pencil-shaped skirts or pants on really windy days, or a long sweater or coat. :D

  4.  I wear a pair of shorts underneath and let the wind blow as it will =)

  5. If it's not too hot, you could try a lightweight layer underneath (a slip or something) to give it a little more weight. Beyond that, I don't know. I'm interested to hear what others suggest, though!

  6. Do you have a slip?  I love the fact that being modest usually requires two layers of clothing!

  7. Gosh if I wore skirts everyday, I think I would have double the amount of children as I do now!  I think it's funny some women find them more modest, when my huband would definitely think the opposite.  I wear a skirt when we go on a date :)  Pants are much more manageable, and unless they are too tight, modest too.   Good luck!

  8. Mostly I don't wear floaty skirts (though I have this one dress that I love that caused some real Marilyn Monroe moments over subway vents in Boston).  Days when it's going to be breezy enough to cause the Mod Podge effect, as you say, I guess I'm generally wearing a coat, and most of my coats are knee length...  I usually wear knee length a-line skirts, so my greater problem with the wind is with the skirt lifting up.  Also not a modest look!  

  9. That is one of the coolest thing I've ever seen. Bloomers! :-D I didn't know they still existed but that looks like a perfect solution!

  10. Hm... I've only ever used a slip for its can't-see-through-my-skirt-'cause-of-the-sunlight powers, but I guess it would help for wind, too! :)

  11. LOL, I did wear some lightweight shorts underneath to avoid the derriere exposé, but they didn't do much for the ModPodge effect :).

  12. I was wondering about the heat effect, too... but maybe if all of the layers are light enough...?

  13. I do have a slip -- would it help ward off the skirt-plastered-to-the-legs look?

  14. My husband likes skirts, too, which is the major reason I want to wear them :).

  15. We have floor vents at our church. And EVERY Sunday I walk over them. And NO, not on purpose! :-D

  16. Wear the lime green spandex under the skirt on "dress up" says.  We always wore shorts under our uniform skirts or jumpers to prevent wardrobe malfunctions. 

  17. I love the flowsy, blousy kind of skirts, but I think to avoid the nooks and crannies look you almost have to go with a heavier fabric on a windy day . . . or maybe you could line the skirt with lead weights in the hem - method of self-defense as well as modesty must-have? :)

  18. I wear a lot of peasant skirts (similar to this:  Since they consist of SO MUCH material, I feel like even when the wind is blowing them everywhere, I'm still well-concealed, and covered by multiple folds of fabric at once!

  19. LOL, they'd go perfectly with my brass knuckles :-D

  20. Golly -- wish that were the case here. I'm not too worried about skin exposure, more curvature exposure with gale force winds :). Nice skirt, though!

  21. The slip is your friend ! I wear mine every day and find that it helps not only add a layer of slimming, it makes things more modest over all. Should the skirt fly up or plaster itself around me - I'm usually very well covered. Now, for those VERY windy days (and boy, do I know them, having spent much time on the Coast) I suggest a denim or khaki skirt. . . I've yet to have a problem with those!

  22. We have floor vents at our church. And EVERY Sunday I walk over them. And NO, not on purpose! :-D
