Thursday, April 7, 2011

Scrolling White Gold and a Little Diamond

Forgive me a simple post, today, but it makes me so happy I can't help but share it with the world.

I just looked down and caught a shining glint.

My wedding ring.

It's so beautiful that I've not yet become accustomed to its charms; the little diamond surrounded by a simple white gold scroll still distracts me when it catches the sun just right.

The best lighting, I've found, is in our church. There, my diamond sparkles and glistens like a still pond on a clear Summer day. Indulge me a bit further while I wax utterly sentimental, but it looks just like my husband's eyes when he's got a good joke that he's bursting to tell.

Because that's just it, this humble token, for all its intrinsic beauty, brings the most joy from the recollection of the one it represents. It's a constant reminder of my husband, my hero, who placed it so tenderly on my finger. I love pondering his virtues throughout the day; thinking about him, remembering a funny story he's told me, or recalling the laugh he only uses when he's particularly pleased. He's so dear to me!

I can't help but blush with delight and wonder at the marvel, the treasure, the love that is God's vocation for us.

What does your engagement/wedding ring look like? Any good stories to go with it?


  1. Your blog is so touching, Angele. It took me back to my engagement where my husband went on one knee. It was nighttime and all that was bright was my beaming face and that sparkling, glassy ring. I was so upset when I couldn't wear it anymore because of my pregnancy. I'm so happy now... I can finally wear it again!

  2. Come on, you can't post that and not post pics.

  3. That's just beautiful..Know what else is??? The LOVE STORY...heheheee...No pressure...

  4. Thanks, Elizabeth :).

    So glad you can wear yours again! Did you wear it on a chain when you were pregnant? I've wondered before how that works.

  5. My engagement and wedding ring set were my husband's maternal grandmother's. She died while we were dating, before I had a chance to meet her. The engagement ring is very simple - a modest diamond with two hearts cut out in the raised setting. The wedding band had an inscription on the inside, but it was so worn we could not read it. When I was first engaged I too liked to see my ring sparkle in the light of the church, catching the colors from the stained glass windows.

  6. How beautiful! Rings with a history and tradition are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  7. My husband designed my engagement ring and had a local jeweler make the setting. It is very unique and in my opinion perfect! The band is split, so there are four "arms" that hug the diamond and there is filigree along the top and bottom of the ring. I love my ring and it reminds me of how well my husband knows me and the care and thought that he puts into everything he does, especially our marriage.

  8. My engagement ring is a simple white gold band with a small solitaire diamond flanked by two other smaller solitaires. My husband and I are Tolkien fans (from before the movies debuted in theatres, mind) and during our courtship would refer to each other as "Beren and Luthien." I teased him in one loveletter that my engagement ring was made of "mithril" with "elvenglass" for jewels, or perhaps they were the Silmarils featured in the story of Beren & Luthien. Yes, we're geeks. ;) My wedding band is a matching white gold anniversary band, actually. I can't recall if I chose it because there wasn't another white gold option or if it was for the lots of little sparkles, which do happen to reflect the light in the church very well now that you mention it. ;)

  9. What a beautiful post! I think it is so fitting that your ring should sparkle the most in your church. I happened to glance at my wedding ring the other day & thought about doing a blog post on it. I love it because it is simple, yet's a horseshoe-shaped gold wrap around my engagement ring.

  10. That's so beautiful! This commenting platform allows you to share pictures ;) (the +image underneath the textbox).

  11. Ah, I'm with you -- the movies never would have been so popular if they weren't based on such an extraordinary book!
    Mithril and elvenglass? Schweet!!

  12. Yeah, I don't know what it is about the lighting in there, but my ring just goes crazy! :-D
    Oh, the bands that wrap around the engagement ring are so elegant!

  13. I can imagine how excited you are when you receive your engagement ring. Your also lucky that you receive a diamond ring.

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