Thursday, April 14, 2011

Important Mumbo Jumbo

Surveys, perk tests, water rights, irrigation districts, community wells, water masters, easements, legal access versus physical access, ingress and egress, covenants, codes, restrictions, tax liabilities, prorated utilities, liens, title searches, earnest money, title insurance, private mortgage insurance, mutual agreement, annual percentage rates, capital gains taxes, open spaces, residential versus agricultural zoning, boundary lines, city codes, county codes, red tape, closing costs, brokerage fees, agent fees, attorney reviews, estates in guardianship, supreme court reviews, closing dates.

If I seem a little absent lately, it might be because I'm buried under a steaming pile of real estate jargon.


  1. You have my sympathy about the jargon, but at least it is all for something worthwhile. Hoping your offer is accepted!

  2. I think you nailed it when you mentioned "red tape"! :)

  3. Totally worthwhile, I hope. :-D Thanks, Katherine!

  4. Goodness, I don't remember nearly that much trouble when we bought our place! Though it's probably because it's a city house and there wouldn't be any confusion about it's zoning or anything like that.

  5. :-( No fun! We bought our house a little over a year ago and my head was constantly swimming through the whole process. To add to the real estate jargon, it was a foreclosure so it was chock full of legal mumbo jumbo too. But it's so very worth it!

  6. As much as I'm looking forward to the idea of a place our own in the country, I've frequently wondered if there'd be nearly this much hassle if we just bought a house in town! Sheesh :).

  7. So there IS a light at the end of the tunnel? It IS worth it?? :-D Guess I need to keep my eyes on the prize :).
