Friday, April 29, 2011

I Royally Do

I'll admit it. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to watch the Royal Wedding last night.

I was actually still awake anyway from thinking, praying, cleaning the kitchen, and dehydrating bananas (quite delicious, by the way).

I've become such a softie! When I saw Kate Middleton, now Princess Catherine, I welled up. She was just so beautiful, her dress was so gorgeous, and the whole occasion of sacramental wonder was exquisite.

I mean, how can you look at her and not say, "Wow!"?

Image source: Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images

It, of course, brought back a flood of happy memories from my own blessed wedding.

I couldn't have been happier if I'd been marrying a prince myself. Because of course, I did.

Did you watch the Royal Wedding? What was your wedding day like, or what do you dream it will be like?


  1. My wedding day? Hurried, in the tradition of all military marriages. He had a four day pass. It was do or die. :-)

  2. Our wedding was very simple, but lovely. We threw it together in a very short amount of time because our parish was in the midst of getting a new pastor & poor Father didn't have time to deal with weddings. By the time he got around to talking with us about our wedding plans, it was only two months until the date we wanted. Father said "impossible!"... but husband is a master-planner-and-organizer, so on his own he'd figured out what the church's requirements were & he'd had the two of us attend engaged encounter, pre-cana and the like. So we just politely told Father, "Oh, it's not so impossible... here is our paperwork from pre-cana, engaged encounter, our certificate from completing an extensive NFP course, and all the documentation you need. We just need permission to reserve the church." Father was a bit baffled. He let us get married when we wanted to. :)

  3. About 18 things went wrong! HA! However, it was a perfect day nonetheless. :) Funny memory: my mother, sister, a bridesmaid and myself were all in the car ready to go to the Church when we noticed the gas gauge was almost empty. Mom goes to fill up. I'm in the back seat in street clothes with my veil already on, however (dress was at Church). Suddenly this woman taps my window and I roll it down. She gestures to the gloomy sky above. "I just wanted to congratulate you, sweetie, and tell you that it rained on my wedding day [x-number of] years ago and we've had the happiest marriage. Don't let anyone tell you it's bad luck! Congratulations!" I thanked her and smiled. Nigh on 8 years later, we're happier than any mortals have a right to be. The rain held off, by the way, and the sun came out after our reception ended around 4pm.

  4. I still had a lovely gown, though. :-)

  5. I DVR'd the wedding, haven't found time to watch it, but I definately will!.....for my wedding I felt just as beautiful as the new princess looked here on your post. I felt as though I was on top of the world, finally, after four long years of waiting, I got my prince, who turned out to be a KING! sahmatwork

  6. Hi! We did watch the Royal Wedding though I hadn't planned to. I turned on the evening news and found the wedding was on instead. It hadn't started; the guests were gathering. It's not often world interest events are televised during our prime viewing time. I didn't have to 'stay up to the wee hours of the morning' like you. Wasn't the sermon good? I was quite surprised!

    I got married twice to the same person! The first was a civil ceremony before I became a Catholic. The second happened on the day of my entry into the Church when we renewed our vows in the sacrament of marriage.

    You looked so pretty on your wedding day, a real queen preparing to marry her king. God bless!

  7. So beautiful! I was completely uninterested in the royal wedding until I woke up Friday morning, lazily checked the news and gasped at how beautiful she looked! Her dress was absolutely stunning! I hope my wedding day is filled with peace and elegance at the knowledge that I'm marrying my best friend and warrior who can weather life's storms with me. :)

  8. That is AWESOME. :-D Way for him to take initiative!

  9. LOL! What an awesome story!! "We're happier than any mortals have a right to be" -- Amen! I know how you feel :-D.

  10. The non-sacramentally most important part :-D.

  11. Ah Sue, you are so kind! Thank you for your sweet comment. :-D

    The sermon was really good! I was surprised at the mention of St. Catherine of Siena (whose feast it was).

  12. Yes, she was so gracefully elegant, wasn't she?
