Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cheesy Post

I really enjoyed y'alls responses yesterday about coffee. French press, eh? Maybe this Christmas I'll spring for one for my husband, who truly enjoys coffee (without sugar).

Today I'd like to discuss another false advertisement food:

It often smells like fermenting gym socks, smoldering laundry, or putrefying unidentified refrigerator growth.

And yet it tastes transcendentally exquisitely amazing.


I just love cheese.

In fact, when I was in college, I wrote an Ode to Cheese. It was pretty... wait for it, wait for it... cheesy, but the ode was heartfelt.

Did you know St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, had a downright abhorrence of cheese? She could only eat it under strict obedience to her superiors. After praying for Divine help to swallow and resolving "conquer or die," she finally took a bite. After tasting the deliciousness she remained unconvinced and continued eating it only as a penance, remarking, "I have never felt such repugnance to anything." 

Moral of the story? Eating cheese could be a path to sanctity!

What are your favorite cheeses? What's your favorite way to eat it? Or are you like St. Margaret Mary?


  1. We generally eat any and all kinds except bleu cheese and cottage cheese. We actually spring for the more expensive stuff when it comes to parmesan. Love cheese.....on pizza, lasagna, grilled cheese, or plain. However! I will not eat any cheese on any salad, burger or sandwich (except grilled cheese, which I love). Go figure. I always knew I was an odd duck, but there it is. :)

  2. I am on a feta kick right now..salads, tomatoes, yummy!

  3. This made me laugh! Thanks for that...Hum....for me, I love cheese, most cheeses in fact. It adds so much to dishes, but I will say, my personal fav: SMOKED CHEDDAR, by Hickory Farms....and only Hickory Farms. It's delicious, I could eat it by the brick!

  4. I never liked bleu cheese until I got addicted to the dressing. While staunchly maintaining that I couldn't stand the cheese, I kept asking, "what is it that makes this dressing so delicious?" Uum... that would be the bleu cheese. Oops :-D.

    I'm not much for cheese in salad (except bleu and feta), but I don't like burgers without it :).

  5. SMOKED CHEESE!! I'm THERE with you!

    I think smoked gouda is the pinnacle of food perfection ;)... or at least... it's really yummy.

    I've never tried Hickory Farm's smoked cheddar because it was considered "adult food" (too good for the kids, hehe) and even now that I'm an adult, I've never given myself permission to indulge. How silly, right?

  6. Can I go ahead and kill any "foodie" future I may or may not have had by saying that I could (and will) eat Velveeta and (gasp) cheese-in-a-can til the cows come home??? Well I guess those are technically "cheese products" but I love them like they were real cheese!!

    Feta is also pretty amazing. Have you ever put it IN burgers (crumbled, obviously)? YUM YUM YUM.

  7. Except Kraft Singles - I'm not sure if they are actually a true cheese product or not. I love real cheese but I can never justify buying a $10 block of the good stuff. So I hold out for fondue night to get my gruyere fix :) Sad truth is that fondue night is New Years Eve every year and that's it!!! I need more good cheese in my life!!

  8. I love both cheese and coffee but what I love even more is some good dark, dark chocolate with a glass of red wine. Both are off the Lenten menu but my mouth is starting to water just thinking of them! God bless.

  9. HAHA!! I don't think cheese is my personal path to sanctity. I love it too much.

  10. P.S. Why are you posting links to donut recipes in the middle of Lent?!?! This is assuredly unhelpful. ;)

  11. That's why you have to try your bleu cheese ON your burger. With fresh cracked black pepper. This is the only type of "cheeseburger" I will eat. Yum.

  12. I grew up eating Kraft Singles almost every single day on a sandwich of some kind or another. Now, for some reason (I'm SURE they changed the recipe) I have a much harder time with it, too :).

    I've *gasp* never had fondue. New Years, my place? hehe

  13. Oh, Sue, I hear ya! Dark chocolate is my favorite. Australia actually has some of my favorite red wines -- your wine industry is amazing! :)

  14. Mm hm... I've discovered it's easier for me to give up meat for lent than cheese. Is there something wrong with me??

  15. a) not all CWCL readers are Catholic
    b) they're ideas for Easter
    c) I'm bookmarking them for myself for later
    d) building up our willpower! :-D

  16. I concur, Robin! Bleu cheese burgers = amazing!

  17. We make a real nice neufchatel out of our fresh milk, then we mix it with crushed pineapple. It's a most delicious - and nutritious - snack when perched atop a cracker.

  18. Oh goodness that sounds good! I'm dreaming dreaming dreaming about a milk cow that "works" (as opposed to our bum dry infertile cow) :).

  19. Yes, you're pretty much killing your "foodie future" by that admission :-p. As a little kid, all I wanted for Christmas was my own box of Ritz, log of Summer sausage, and can (aerosol?) or EzCheese. It happens to the best of us :-p

    Feta IN a burger? Good gravy, that's going on the meal plan next week. Sounds delish!

  20. Side note: In order for me to stick to WW guidelines (those wet rags!), we end up using ground chicken breast or turkey to make our burgers, crumbled feta, and broil for 10-12 minutes on both sides (1lb yields 4 nice patties) and then we serve roasted red peppers on the side. Mustard also helps make it amazing. I know I'm late with that suggestion, but if you're seriously thinking about serving it, there ya go! :)

    And my mouth started watering when I read about Ritz AND summer sausage AND cheese-in-a-can. OMG. Gotta run and get a rag to dry off this keyboard.

  21. Amazingly excellent! Yes, I seriously do plan on it.
    I've never tried ground chicken (how have I lived?) but there's no reason not to remedy that soon. I've heard it's really good.

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