Friday, April 1, 2011

Check Out the Total Makeover!

I'm kind of really excited about my new blog makeover.

Please take a look and let me know what you think. I think it really captures the farmy aspect of the blog pretty well, as well as including design elements of my favorite things.

Hopefully the design will be ready to roll in a few weeks.


  1. I think the new look really works. It definitely captures what your family is all about. I think it will also help to increase the farming industry exposure, at least for hog farmers. ;) hehe Awesome. lol

  2. Really, REALLY cute blog! I'm Theresa, Catholic mom of 9-- homeschooling and writing mama- love my organic veggies grown in my organic garden! We used to raise chickens too but we ate all of them. :) Seriously, we just dabbled in the endeavor- may get more serious about it next time.

    My book with co-author Patti Maguire Armstrong is "Stories for the Homeschool Heart" and you can find our FACEBOOK page with more than 900 members- hope you will join us!

    Our blog is

    Please pop over and visit-

    Your blog is super cute and Catholic and I'd love to feature it- my email is thomasclan11 at sbcglobal dot net

    Have a great day- Theresa

  3. Someday (possibly soon) we will have to eat one of the chickens we've grown from chickhood. As much as I joke about it, I don't know how I'll handle it :).

    Thanks for stopping by, Theresa!

  4. That's definitely a catchy new look. :)

  5. That is twice I've been gotten today. TWICE. And I was warned early.

    Here I was, thinking you'd decided to suddenly change things up just like I did last night! I clicked on the link, and... well, talk about unexpected humor. I laughed for about a minute straight. Out loud.

    P.S. You can leave this comment languishing in moderation till the end of the day, if you fear it may spoil the joke. :)

  6. Now I can almost smell your blog! But where are the eggs?

  7. What can I say? I'm a trendsetter ;).

  8. Hehehe, it's sad sick and wrong but I love April 1st. The greatest prank I ever pulled was in high school with my older sister -- I might blog about it someday :-D.

  9. I didn't want to overdo it! Subtle is my middle name ;).

  10. I think that lent is getting to you...the increase in fasting and decrease in meat has started to affect your brain! hahaha...

  11. I completely forgot it was April Fool's Day, so needless to say I was initially confused. You got me. I've been fooled. LOL. Loved it. ;-)

  12. All I can say is my mom was sitting next to me when I opened up your little design surprise and we couldn't stop laughing!!! I howled so hard I thought I might go into labor! Thanks for brightening my day! :)

  13. Oh, too funny! But seriously, it is Lent, and Friday, and that is just way too realistic for me...I can almost taste it. Uncle!

  14. LOL!! That's awesome :). Are you due very soon?

  15. I know how you feel; I couldn't look at it long :).

  16. Today! Say a prayer for us because things have been crazy this week. After struggling with infertility, we took in our foster son and became pregnant a month later! The last 10 months have been a roller coaster for us and as we wait for our Little One to arrive things have gotten even crazier. Our foster son woke up at 4am today vomiting and then I started having some contractions. He's been sick all morning and I seem to be nesting, so I really hope baby comes as soon as our Lil' Man feels better!

  17. My goodness, my husband and I have been praying! Hoping and praying your foster son gets well very soon, and that baby doesn't come before then.
