Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rainclouds and Dashed Dreams

It's raining today.

The weather often mirrors my mood, and today is no exception. Late last night we got a call from the people selling the charming farm house I've been fantasizing about for months. The one I finally wrangled our budget to afford and made it, within pennies.

"We had the house reappraised and are raising the price $25,000."


Kinda feels like having your hopes roundhouse kicked to the teeth.

Yes, I know God has bigger and better plans. Yes, I know His plan will ultimately make us happier than our petty puny little dreams.

But for now, I'm having a hard time letting go of my strawberry patch behind the barn. And the large lazy pasture for my dream milk cow, being chased by the chickens and pig. And the tire swing in the front yard on the birch tree. And the pellet stove where my husband was going to warm his toes after a cold work day. And the alcove in the attic bedroom with the slanty roof, a charmingly ideal... *sigh*... nursery.

Today, there's weeping in our little house of happiness.


  1. That is very very sad. Sorry to hear it! It almost seems very unfair that they could do that.

  2. That is so sad and sweet! What a great attitude you have though! Smiles and hugs are being sent your way!

  3. Ohhh, I'm sorry! Hate it when that happens. Here's hoping the bigger and better gift comes soon.

  4. Aw, I'm sorry to hear this. I dream dream *DREAM* of farmhouses too. News like that is tough. Maybe they will realize soon that their house is only worth what others are willing to pay...

  5. ThenotsoperfecthousewifeMarch 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM

    Oh.I'm sooo sorry. Praying that God reveals the perfect home to you and yours very soon... :-)

  6. Well, we knew we were getting it for a steal, so I guess they figured it out too. *sigh*

  7. Gah -- the housing crisis sweeping the nation hasn't hit us at all. I'm happy for them that they'll probably get their asking price very soon, but can't help wishing we'd been able to close before they hiked it :(.
    Don't farmhouses make the best dreams??

  8. You'll find the right home -- for whatever reason this one wasn't meant to be. Maybe because it would have truly been a stretch for you where you are right now. Hang in there ... you'll find the right one!

    City Roots, Country Life

  9. Prayers for you through the intercession of Saint Joseph as we await his Solemnity.

  10. Hmmm...just because they are raising their asking price does NOT mean that they will get it. Keep praying and let God handle it. If it is meant for you, He will arrange it. If not, He has something even better planned for you, though you can't see it yet. If it doesn't sell for the raised price in a certain amount of time. Revisit with the original price, they just might take it then. May God bless you both, and try to be content and trust the Lord. ( Easier said than done, I KNOW!)

  11. Now you can have 2 bathrooms. And there's the silver lining.

  12. Ouch! So sorry that it isn't going to work out for you. :(

    And you are absolutely right--farmhouses make the best dreams. I've finally decided we'll have ours when my husband retires. So what if that's 35 years away? ;)

  13. Don't let it get you down too much! We lost two dream homes before finally ending up in our current dream home! I look back now and I am glad we lost the first two because the neighborhoods and ages of the homes would have been a mistake for us!

    Stay positive and you will find and BUY your perfect dream home! Good Luch in your seaching! I hope all else is going well for you!

  14. I can so relate to this post and fully empathize with your disappointment - but being through this kind of thing several times during my 60 year life, I have learned that God really does have a plan and His plan and purpose are so much better than our own. Keep the faith and trust Him to bring something even better your way! I love the way you expressed your disappointment, it painted a bitter sweet picture in my mind (of your feelings). ♥

  15. Hi CityWife - I recommended your blog for Catholic Media Promotions Day, which was yesterday. I write columns for CatholicMom.com, and Lisa, who manages that site wanted our recommendations for different media sites that we enjoy. And I enjoy you! Here's the link: http://catholicmom.com/2011/03/15/catholic-media-promotion-day/
    Just an FYI - I hope you get an increase in traffic!

  16. True dat yo!! I'm trying so hard to think about all of the things I didn't like about the house :). Thanks for reminding me about the bathrooms; that actually really helps.

  17. Gives us something to hope for, right? :)

  18. Thanks, Kieran! It's a seller's market in our area, to be sure. It's hard to trust but I know I do need to let go and hope for something else to come along :).
    And you're right -- God has never disappointed me in the past, why should I suddenly lose it now?

  19. Thank you, Susan. So it does eventually get better? :) Here's hopin!

  20. Well goodness gracious, thank you!! I'm honored, flattered, and otherwise inflated :).
