1. I made dinner last night even though my husband wasn't home. I rarely cook for myself (Triscuits and cheese for lunch, anyone?). But I was really hungry last night and the dry Triscuits just weren't going to cut it, so I made sausage pizza. The added bonus came when my husband got home very late and appreciatively ate the leftovers -- the poor darling hadn't eaten dinner, so I'm glad it was waiting for him!
2. I strayed from the lesson plan on Monday with my nieces and let them color. I'm a pretty strict and exacting schoolmarm, so this was a big deal for me. The poor dears had had a really rough weekend and needed some downtime. It was a good break for all of us (even if it did mean double work on Tuesday, hehe).
3. Speaking of straying from the lesson and letting loose... I switched out our traditional grammar lesson one day for mad libs. Holy cow -- the girl who couldn't tell a noun from a verb from a punch in the eye now knows her parts of speech quite well.
I love your ideas and successes! This is our 1st year homeschooling so I soak in all ideas or schedules. It's nice to see that someone can stray from the lesson plans and the world not explode. I have a hard time being flexible lol! Blessings!
Used madlibes with my 1st graders a couple times... it's amazing how the suddenly know their parts of speech!
And triscuts 'n' cheese... my daily lunch! Have you tried the cracked pepper and olive oil ones? I could eat the whole box (until my husband reminds me that, pound for pound, triscuts cost as much as a nice steak... ooops!)
Cracked pepper and olive oil and the garlic ones were my favorites. Then I read something on the box for some crazy ingredient they put in their flavored Triscuits (MSG? I can't remember... but have also since discovered that a little garlic powder or a little pepper on the plain ones and they're still great).
Yes... pound for pound Triscuits are as expensive as steak, but steak only lasts one or two meals and we can stretch a box of Triscuits at least a week, right? ;) hehe
Ah, thanks for the mad libs tip! I will file that one away for my Rascal! :)
love #3--that's what hsing is all about
I got it from another homeschool blogger, myself, a few years ago and just now remembered it :).
Amen sista!
Wow! Mad libs! What a great idea! I never would have thought of that. Very creative. I will have to remember that one in the future. Thanks!
Wish I could claim credit for the idea, but at least I can attest that in our case it worked :).
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