Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flying Around the Farm

I'd like to take you on a little flying tour of the farm...

The Robins are everywhere.

So are the Magpies, but they're a little camera shy.

Here is one fat little Quail... a whole covey just flew away.

This sweet little bird and his mate are soaking in the warm sun and eating the first of the Spring grasses.

This little guy is the crown jewel. I'm not sure... Western Meadowlark?

This is as close as we can get to him.

This concludes our flying tour. Goodnight!


  1. Thank you for your kind words yesterday! I have accepted the invitation to stop and say hello again.

    I love your photos. Here (Australia) auutmn is on its way and we have different birds to yours that delight us. Though we have magpies too! We are enjoying the superb fairy wrens at the moment. They hover in the flowering shrubs and we spend lots of time looking through the windows at them. They are just so entertaining!

    I guess all those bare branches in your photos will soon be sprouting with leaves. You must be looking forward to the new life after winter. God bless.

  2. Oh, I love these photos! I could never get to feeling fuzzy over kitties and puppies. But BIRDS...well, I love them dearly! And that little Western Meadowlark has simply captured my heart.

    We've not seen any birds here besides robins, catbirds, sparrows, and mourning doves. Maybe they're the only ones who are brave enough to share yard space with our four cats.

  3. Thank you for dropping in again, Sue! :)
    My goodness, I just looked up Superb Fairywrens and they're gorgeous. I wish we had them here in the states!
    Yes, I can't wait for Spring to blossom in its full glory; it's been a long winter.
    Blessings to you and yours!

  4. Well, I do have a soft spot for fluffy puppies, but I've become a bird lover recently; mostly because I had to find out what that yellow bird was and now I'm getting hooked on birdwatcher books.

    Have fun at the F&F Mom's Day this week. I only get one plane ticket a year, and that's to go home to see my family, but if I'd've known to budget in for another airfare for this event I might've started saving last year :).

  5. Thank´s for sharing those beautiful pictures! I found your blog today and I can´t wait to read more of it (well, maybe when my little ones will take a nap :) God bless from Germany, Nicole.

  6. Nicole, thanks for stopping by and especially for leaving a kind comment! I spent some time in München when I did a semester abroad in Austria; what a beautiful country you live in!

  7. That's awesome! I love birds, such wonderful creatures. We have a nest full of four eggs right now on our front porch, its the first of probably 4 or 5 that we will have this spring!

  8. How fun! Do you know what kind they are?

  9. Thank´s ... well, your country is not bad, either :) I´ve spent almost 4 months in Nebraska and I really liked it there!
