Monday, March 21, 2011

Date with Fate

Right now... I'm cold, but I refuse to turn on the heater. A few jumping jacks and I'll be fine.

This weekend... was a farmy weekend. We shipped Ofelia (our milk cow) off to spend a few months with the bulls. This is her last chance. If we don't see two strong lines on the test, her next appointment is with the butcher.

We also planted peas, radishes, spinach, parsnips and lettuce! The chickens are living and letting each other live; consequently they're regrowing their feathers. All is right with the world.

Some plans for the week ahead: The appointment is set.

On Wednesday at 10:00 am PST (12:00pm CST, 1:00pm EST) we're meeting with the bank to discuss the 5 acre plot overlooking the river, and our chances of getting it. We'll either be buoyed or squashed. Pray for the former, please.

If I find some time for myself, I want to... I don't know. I don't have too many plans for this week, yet. It'll be interesting to see how it shapes up.

Prayer intentions for this week: for the appointment on Wednesday to go well, and for resignation to God's will about it, either way.

Something that makes me smile: the Coca-Cola in glass bottles that my husband surprised me with. And discovering that it's perfectly okay to end a sentence with a preposition.

Monday Musings are hosted by Nadja at Patch O' Dirt Farm.


  1. I share your dream! I would love to have some property somewhere! Sending prayers!

  2. How's the egg eating going for ya? The chickens eating the eggs, that is...

  3. We sacrifice 1/4th of the eggs to the chickens. For now, everybody who wants eggs is getting them (amongst ourselves, our family, and the chickens) so we can live with it. If we'd ever hoped to sell any of the eggs, though, the chickens forced our hand away from that. Gah!
