Thursday, March 10, 2011

42 Hours

I made it 42 hours into Lent before breaking one of my fasts.

My weakness and lack of self-mastery are truly eye-opening.

Truly, thank God for the discipline of Lent!


  1. It wasn't the "Christian Concern", was it? ;-)

  2. If we have no failures or humiliations in our mortifications, we may end up gloating. Really, failure is absolutely essential if we are to make any spiritual gains...

  3. I managed to find a loophole in one of my fasts...which, since the fast was put in place by me, should obviously not contain any loopholes. So I have corrected the problem, and vow to not find anymore loopholes. ;-)

  4. It really is amazing to see our own weaknesses shoved in our faces..Truely eye opening! Because I cannot fast or abstain, nursing twin babies, I do other things, and one thing I gave up was my one soda a day...I cannot believe how hard it is! I have become so accustomed to it, and it really gives me a jolt that I need in the late afternoon...I cannot decide if replacing it with an Arizona iced tea is cheating or not..Sugar, caffeine...but it's not pop...but it might as well be...It's jus not carbonated.

  5. LOL! I negotiate with myself all the time until I realize I'm the one who set the rules to begin with. Agh! Self-justification has GOT to stop this Lent! :)
