Monday, February 7, 2011

Possibly the Most Fun Board Game I've Ever Played, and Other Items

Right is 3:45pm. The girls went home a little while ago and I'm prepping for dinner.

This weekend... we went on a roadtrip and visited some of my husband's family. It was so fun!! The highlight of the weekend, to be sure (besides making truffles, seeing the countryside, visiting his dear Aunt and spending time with the gracious and fantastic hosts, "the fun cousins,") was learning how to play The Settlers of Catan. I was dreaming strategy all weekend long. I almost won the first game (until our sneaky silent cousin pulled off a surprise victory) and miserably failed the second game, but I can't wait to play again someday! Anybody else ever played and loved that game? It's incredible!

Some plans for the week:  I need to try to figure out a work-from-home solution. I'll be scheming business ideas and researching them like mad. Good thing I paid off my library fines last week.

I'm also excited to be going to my first book club ever. We're reading Theology and Sanity by Frank Sheed. Anybody read it before? Have any amazing insights I can use to impress the book clubbers with?

If I finds some time for myself, I would like to... dehydrate some apples. And learn a new trade (Joomla or Drupal web designing, perhaps).

Prayer intentions for the week: continued prayers for my baby nephew, who has had some miraculous interventions but still isn't out of the woods yet.

Something that makes me smile: a well stocked fridge and the memory of our grocery date the other night.


  1. Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be as fun with 2 people, so we need to hurry up and
    find/make friends with a couple around here who want to play it, hehe. I heard
    Cities and Knights is super fun; I'm getting so addicted!

  2. We're doing Chapter 2 tomorrow (I missed the first one last week). Let me know
    if there's any good notes in the margin ;). I've actually never read Frank Sheed
    before, though I've heard a lot about him in my studies of Theology.

  3. Wow, Franciscan is an awesome place. What a blessing!
    I have a BA in Theology (and Philosophy) and have worked as a religion teacher,
    catechist, and youth minister, and volunteered for CCD and RCIA. I've kinda
    retired from the working-out-of-the-home scene for now, and I completely agree
    that it will go to excellent use if only ever to educate my family :).
    Btw, after reading the first chapter of Theology and Sanity -- Frank Sheed is
    awesome :-D.
