Monday, February 21, 2011

High Apple Pie in the Sky Hopes

Right now...It is late afternoon, and I've been researching house grants, loans, and other items along those lines.

Honestly I was quite content living here in our "House of Happiness" (as my niece calls it), until this weekend when a charming house close to the farm became available. I've often driven past the home and thought, "what a beautiful set-up!" They have the prettiest barn, sweetest house, and loveliest pasture... and a towering lazy tree that turns bright crimson and flaming orange in the Fall. There's enough space in the house for us to house some guests, and enough land for us to keep our chickens and a cow on our own property. The owners (I found out after I'd been admiring it for a while) are actually friends of my husband's family and long-time parishioners at our church. Sadly, their reasonable asking price is pretty far out of our reach.

This weekend... I became a godmother! "Tim" and "Meg" of Our Love Story fame, asked my husband and I to be godparents to their charming baby daughter.

Some plans for the week ahead:  Figure out how we can afford to buy a house. And pray some novenas to that effect, as well.

If I find some time for myself, I want to... work on getting our garden area ready. It's almost time to plant peas!

Prayer intentions for this week:  for a dear friend who is grieving, and another who is expecting. For Suzanne's baby and pregnancy. For Amy Caroline's daughter. And for the asking price to come way down.

Something that makes me smile: Surprise calls from my husband in the middle of the day.


  1. Praying for your friends..I have seen Susanne's blog before..Cute stuff on there..
    Also, I think we could never get together. we would drive my hubby nuts..I just announced to him on Sunday that it's almost time to plant the peas, and how excited I am! He thought I was crazy..He loves to garden too, but I think I could sit outside all day just looking at my garden! Yup..just about the time the manure is done cooking is when the peas go in..How convenient!

  2. Oh, and you could always ask St. Joseph or St. Anthony to help find you a house!

  3. I'll be praying for your intentions, and will ask St. Joseph's special intercession. No apple pie is too high for him!

  4. I had to smile when I read how you were content with your house until... That just happened to us as well. And now we're moving on Saturday. I had dreamed of a house very much like you described, and was happy to stay put in our 1940s cottage until such a place was attainable. However, God decided we would be better off in a neighborhood setting in an area that does not yet allow backyard chickens.... Hmm--however, in my very specific novena to St. Joseph, I mentioned we wanted to garden but I forgot to mention that we want to keep chickens someday. Oops! And the new house has a premade garden plot waiting for us. :) I'm really loving our new home and can't wait to be in it! (because also, that means our packing will be done)

  5. How wonderful! I forgot to mention to St. Joseph that I wanted a dishwasher...
    egad! We visited the house last night and that was a pretty glaring omission. I
    grew up without one, but I've come to rely pretty heavily upon it, now.

    Congratulations on your new house, that's really exciting! And you never know
    where you can squeeze a chicken or two ;).

  6. Praying for your intentions...Just when hubby and I had given up finding our little dream of a hobby farm, God provided us with 5 acres and a way to finance it! We have given up/sacrificed some luxuries, but our new home, land and ...chickens are worth it! We are so blessed. On another note, we are still asking for prayer for our son going through a bone marrow transplant...Saturday Feb 12th he had a massive brain bleed and was not expected to live...and if he did, it was unlikely that he would have enough brain function to be able to be independent ever again. My hubby and I had to call a priest who was able to give extreme unction, confirmation and prayers for the dying. By God's Grace and Mercy and the power of prayer, we are experiencing a miracle! To read his story go to Caringbridge website and search sanjaybaca. Pax Christi!

  7. Praise God! We will storm heaven for your son! God bless you, dear.
