Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Final Tasty Tuesday: Gooey Decadent 12 Layer Bars

Tasty Tuesday
Grab the button here and come join us, or just link to another site with a recipe you're going to try... or post a recipe in the comments!

My "Mr. Linky" subscription ends tomorrow, and I've decided not to renew it. Tasty Tuesday has been wonderful, but while I'll still be posting fabulous recipes regularly, I will fondly bid the linkup farewell. There's a very popular "Tasty Tuesday" linkup over at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam, if you're interested.

I didn't want to go out with a dud recipe! So I present, on February 1st (a.k.a. New Years Resolutions are Officially Over Day), the single most decadent recipe I could conjure. 

This Christmas, I had grand plans to make cookies of every imaginable combination and fudge all the shades of sugar in the universe. Long story short, I changed plans and ended up making truffles and turtles instead. That left a ton of bags of different sugary chips. I've slowly been going through them, but... really? You can only make so many Kitchen Sink cookies.

Enter: 7 Layer turned 10 Layer Bars. I'm ashamed to say I had every ingredient on hand, plus an additional 2 layers. It's sick, I know. But these would be perfect for St. Valentine's Day: get your whole chocolate/candy fix in one dessert!

Look at that and tell me you just salivate.

Look me in the eye when you say it.

Mm hm. Didn't think you could. Yes, they're that amazing.

The recipe for these 12 layer bars makes about 18-24 (you could do 12 but you might never come out of the sugar coma) so you can share 'em or enjoy 'em all week.

CWCL 12 Layer Decadence in a Dish
Recipe adapted from Inn Cuisine


  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1 & 1/2 cups crushed graham crackers
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 cup dark chocolate baking chips
  • 1 cup butterscotch baking chips
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips
  • 1 cup Heath Milk Chocolate English Toffee baking chips
  • 1 cup sweetened angel-flake coconut
  • 1 cup miniature marshmallows
  • 2 cups chopped walnuts
  • 7 ounces canned Dulce de Leche (easily homemade!)
  • 7 ounces sweetened condensed milk

Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Melt butter in a saucepan and mix in the crushed graham crackers (or microwave the butter and make it in the pan). Press the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 13"x9" pan.
Layer in the semisweet chocolate chips, layer in the dark chocolate baking chips, layer in the butterscotch baking chips, layer in the white chocolate chips, layer in the Heath Milk Chocolate English Toffee bits, layer in the flaked coconut, layer in the mini marshmallows, and layer in the chopped walnuts.
In a small bowl, mix 7 ounces EACH (14 ounces in total) canned Dulce de Leche and sweetened condensed milk (warm in the microwave for a few seconds if necessary to blend and make pourable). Pour mixture evenly over layered ingredients.
Bake for 25-30 minutes. Cool completely in pan and cut into squares (resist cutting ahead of time unless you want a royal mess -- don't ask me how I know that). Serve at room temperature.

 What have you made lately?

This post is linked to: Tuesdays at the Table, Tasty Tuesday, Raising Homemakers, Delicious Dishes, What's Cookin' Wednesday, & Tasty Tuesday. Check 'em all out!


  1. Oh my these sound amazing! Sorry you won't be doing the linky anymore, but I'll still pop by to see your recipes -(and how the chickens are doing :) Thank you for hosting!

  2. LOL, Emma, if I didn't have the ingredients on hand I wouldn't have run out to
    buy them for a recipe this decadent, but to deplete the well-stocked pantry of a
    sugar addict... it was oh so worth it.

  3. And a scoop of vanilla ice cream :-D. Thank you, Jenny!

  4. Thank you for contributing so frequently, Mary! You always posted winners, and I
    made & enjoyed several of them.

    There will still be regular recipes :).

  5. LOL! Yes, Mrs. Squirrel, I'll be posting them :). It was very nerve-wrecking to
    come up with a new recipe each week, though. I'm forever trying new and amazing
    recipes, but I never got the hang of photographing it before we ate and a food
    post without a picture is useless.
