Friday, February 11, 2011

A Book Recommendation

At the recommendation of a kind reader, I checked out The Family Nobody Wanted from the library.

I'm a little blurry eyed right now from lack of sleep last night. I couldn't doze off until I'd finished it!

The book chronicles the misadventures of the Doss family. After receiving the hope-crushing "infertility" tag from the doctor, she "couldn't pass a layette display in a store window without getting a lump the size of a baby rattle in [her] throat." Finally coming to grips with it, she and her (often unwilling) husband began adopting, and developed the Lays Potato Chip Syndrome. On their meager salary they ultimately adopted twelve children, mostly of other races... the children nobody else wanted.

It's a laugh out loud kinda book. Sweet without being sappy, utterly hilarious, and really well-written. The woman knows how to write a good story.


  1. Is the potatoe chip thing the "Munch all you want, we'll make more"? That's what we have in our family...

  2. More like, "nobody can eat just one" :). I like your motto better, though!

  3. I've actually lent it out (yes, my library copy) to two other people. There
    needs to be a movie, it's just too good!
