Monday, January 10, 2011

Rabbit Food Resolution

As I dined in the kitchen today, attempting to fulfill my "more vegetables" resolution in one sitting, thoughtfully munching on my alfalfa sprout, lettuce, and radish salad, I couldn't help but feel like I was sprouting rabbit ears.

I like vegetables a lot, but I never thought of them as constituting a complete meal. Bring on the grilled chicken. Bring on the pan-seared steak. Bring on the tuna swimming in mayo. Something I can sink my teeth into! But there I was, filling up on leafy greens, and feeling somberly, soberly, but self-righteously healthy.

The salad wasn't half bad, actually, though it really could have used some ranch dressing.

Remind me again why I have 8 heads of lettuce in my refrigerator.

Oh yes. It's January. I do this every January.

What are your resolutions for this year?


  1. It's the year of "yes!" I'm trying to say "yes" to more things and see what opportunities and experiences will come from that instead of keeping to my comfort zone and saying "no." (Obviously, only "yes" in safe situations. lol)

    And trying to get to confession more often....eek.


  2. Mine are spiritual this year, and to get more organized..More of a spiritual life..even with the twins..But, I do find myself talking to Him more...and those saints that we know are there..Meat is getting so expensive, that we are cutting down, and doing things like smaller portions, with larger portions of salad and sides...So, it's not all bad hon..
